Yearly Archives: 2010

Is Government a Partner with Private Sector Initiatives for Change?

This past weekend I had the good fortune to attend an un-conference on Social Media, Collaboration and Social Enterprise. It was great to be around my peers from other sectors.The government sector is rarely at this table as a partner. I think this is a problem.There is a convergence of thinking and emerging collective intelligenceRead… Read more »

Transportation Secretary Holds Town Hall Meeting With Port Leaders At National Port Summit in San Diego

Port directors from across the nation talked face-to-face with United States Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood on Friday, February 5, 2010, at the San Diego Convention Center. LaHood attended a special town hall morning session of the first-ever National Port Summit. The event was organized by the Department of Transportation and the Maritime Administration (commonly calledRead… Read more »

OPM Director John Berry discusses closing the government on Federal News Radio

Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry has agreed to be on the hot seat for some cold hard facts. He gave federal employees the day off today to get the driveway and sidewalks cleared from this weekend’s blizzard, just in time for the next storm. (A Winter Storm Watch now in effect for theRead… Read more »

Grow, Grow, Grow

Peter DiGiammarino, CEO of Compusearch, likes growth. In fact, it may be more accurate to say he loves it. In this video, Peter outlines some of the elements key in helping companies who may be “performing well, but not up to their potential, grow to see that potential.” Throughout the 12 or so minutes heRead… Read more »

Amver, there’s an app for that!

Are you trying to keep track of the rescue news, blog posts, Twitter stream, and other social media products Amver dishes out to you? No need to worry because today we announce the launch of our application on iTunes! Compatible with the iPhone and soon to be released iPad, the Amver app combines our blogRead… Read more »

How-To: Communicate Effectively – Part 1

Effective communication has several benefits that can be applied to not only your professional endeavors, but personal as well. Learning, (or shall I say relearning) how to listen and speak skillfully can not only show your co-workers that you understand their issues, but it can also enrich your relationships. More people will be attracted toRead… Read more »

Private & Public Abundance: The Fuel Behind the United States’ 20th-Century Rise

I just returned from a (smooth and perfect) two-weeks cross country trip through Panama, my home country. The trip had multiple purposes including reconnecting with parts of the country I had not visited in over 15 years. But, an unexpected result from this much planned journey came from an unlikely source. While driving to theRead… Read more »

Ideas on How to Open NASA? Spill!

Are you someone who knows exactly what it takes to make NASA the best agency possible? Do you doodle ideas on cocktail napkins and mail them to a NASA Center? Do you wake up early in the morning to watch Space Shuttle launches (like this morning’s 4:14 a.m. EST STS-130 launch) or stay up allRead… Read more »