Yearly Archives: 2010

Member of the Week: Andrea Schneider

If you’ve been a member of one of Andrea Schneider’s groups, you know why Andrea hosts some of the most fascinating conversations on GovLoop. The titles alone may entice you to join: – Evaluation: The Data and The Story – Social Networking, Leadership and Innovation in the Applied Setting – Who’s Running the Show? ARead… Read more »

Should you be worried?

It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk from It was an interesting week for the stock market. The losses were not overly extreme, but the action sure was. For the week, the C-fund was down 0.68%, the S-fund lost 1.29%, and the continued strength in the dollar pushed the I-fund down 3.11%. The F-fundRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Should the federal government close Tuesday?

Happy Monday! And Happy Snow Day (for most)! Washington area federal offices are closed today, which means the region’s largest employer will keep most workers away from the office. The decision marks the first time the government has shut down this year due to the weather and only the second time during the Obama administration.Read… Read more »

Álvarez Sabucedo et al. on a Knowledge-based platform for eGovernment agents: A Web-based solution using semantic technologies

Luis M. Álvarez Sabucedo of Universidade de Vigo Telematic Engineering Department, and colleagues, have published Knowledge-based platform for eGovernment agents: A Web-based solution using semantic technologies, 37 Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal 3647 (2010). Here is the abstract: Currently eGovernment is clearly gaining momentum in our society. Many solutions and projects are beingRead… Read more »

How To – Accessibility Hack #2: Using Headings to Improve Navigation

This is a crosspost of In his review of New York City’s website, the esteemed web accessibility expert Jim Thatcher docked the site points for not having headings, which assist readers in navigating the content. WebAIM’s Screen Reader User Survey found that headings are the primary mechanism for finding information within a page. ARead… Read more »