Yearly Archives: 2010

Online Public Engagement – New Grant Program

Online public engagement is huge these days. All of the federal /open pages are launched with online public engagement tools soliciting feedback on how to do participation, transparency, and engagement. There’s been some pretty cool blogs on GovLoop about “making crowdsourcing successful” As this space unfolds, it’s been cool to see companies like Ideascale collaborateRead… Read more »

Ten Things to Monitor As Agencies Invite Input On Open Government Plans

This post was originally published on the Intellitics blog: Ten Things to Monitor As Agencies Invite Input On Open Government Plans Now that a whole lot of websites are live and many agencies have indeed set up a ”mechanism for the public to […] [p]rovide input on the agency’s Open Government Plan” it’s timeRead… Read more »

The Price of Hyperlinking

If you notice in this blog, I don’t hyperlink much. You know why – it’s the price of hyperlinking. It takes time and often I write these blogs on airplanes when I don’t have wi-fi. And every hyperlink takes time…and I’m focusing on sharing ideas. But maybe I should hyperlink more…Thoughts? Favorite

Social media = letting others in

“You can’t take advantage of the connectivity, reach and viral nature of the beast without also being willing to connect, reach many people and let others share. It’s like wanting to enjoy the sensation of flying over the water in a boat at high speed but without the engine noise. It’s the “other people” partRead… Read more »

Leadership for Vision, Action and Impact (Gov20 L.A.)

Note: I’m live-blogging today’s sessions at the Gov2.0 L.A. City Camp. Our twitter hashtag is #gov20la, and since I’m live-blogging this post is incomplete. Please check back next week for the edited version with more links, plus video, audio, etc. This post references the Harvard Kennedy School’s Government 2.0 Research Survey. If you haven’t takenRead… Read more »

Gov20 L.A. – Agility for better government

I’m live-blogging today’s sessions at the Gov2.0 L.A. City Camp. Our twitter hashtag is #gov20la, and since I’m live-blogging this post is necessarily incomplete. Please check back next week for the edited version with more links, plus video, audio, etc. Second Life Founder Cory Ondrejka is the lead-off speaker and riffing on the importance ofRead… Read more »

Adding transparency to the public meeting process

I have thought more about the value technology can bring to government 2.0, specifically the public meeting process that, in most towns, sees only a few people ever take part. I was chatting with someone on the GovLoop site recently, Justin Mosebach, about the meeting process, here are his thoughts. “People have busy lives. WhetherRead… Read more »

Combo RSS for 26 agency idea/discussion forums

Update 2010/02/10: Added two feeds from HHS. Update 2010/02/08: Actually, it’s only 25 agencies whose feeds are included here. Sorry for the counting error! 😉 * * * I put together a Yahoo! Pipe that takes the RSS feeds from 26 websites (or rather, their corresponding idea/discussion forums) and combines them into one RSSRead… Read more »