Yearly Archives: 2010

The importance of conference rapport

I have, to date, spoken at some two dozen seminars, conferences, panels or other public events where the audience is not my coworkers. Not bragging, just saying that I’ve been to a few. Enough, I hope, to give an observation without having the more seasoned public speakers of the world laugh too hard. I knowRead… Read more »

The Gospel of Gov 2.0

Leading government into the land of wikis, blogs and social media isn’t easy….an article by Jill R. Aitoro that recently appeared in the October issue of Government Executive is right on target. In the face of the staggering statistics on the number of people on the web and the incredible potential to “crowd-source” ideas (insteadRead… Read more »

Special Report of Social Networking from the Economist

Hello all, Just wanted to share some information (FT Doug Cornelius). The January 30th edition of The Economist contains a special report on social networking. The report is available on-line for download at The following are links to the inidividual stories: A world of connections Online social networks are changing the way people communicate,Read… Read more »

Transparency on the Web: a Democrat(ic) Virtue?

The study Show Us the Stimulus (July 2009, Good Jobs First) is one of the most comprehensive and systematic assessments of US state “recovery” websites. The authors of the report analyze the effectiveness and transparency of state websites in providing information on the different categories of stimulus spending, the allocation of funds across different areasRead… Read more »

How-To: Submit a Proposal and Get Accepted at a Big Conference

Over the last week, I’ve spent several hour reviewing proposals for 3 conferences. As such, I think I have a few tips on how to get your proposal accepted: 1 – Have a gov’t person speak. Honestly, if it is just you and your a vendor, I’m scared it is a product pitch for yourRead… Read more »

Governments’ success with new social media depends on success with old engagement methods

[Note this is a cross post from my blog, the original (with links & images) can be found here.] Transparency, open government, e-government, Gov 2.0 are all terms to describe government’s new relationship with citizens in the age of the Internet, particularly using the social media technology solutions of Web 2.0. Many believe in itsRead… Read more » Makes Public Data More Accessible Through Web Services

You may have heard the terms web service, API, mashup, and dataset. There has been a lot of talk about these because of the recent Open Government Directive (OGD) that the Office of Management and Budget released in December. The directive was in response to President Obama’s call for transparency and open government when heRead… Read more »