Yearly Archives: 2010

Gov T-Shirts! Get Your Gov T-Shirts Here!

So I finally got around to setting up an online store for the T-Shirt Designs I pulled together. Thanks to all for the interest, here is the link: There are two designs and both are available in mens and womans versions. Hopefully more to come in the future. Please note that I haven’t actuallyRead… Read more »

Week 1 of the iPad pilot – The Good, the bad, and the ugly

Link to original post on buzzfreezone So we started the iPad pilot in our agency a week ago. For the record, I am not new to the iPad, having used one pretty much since it came out purely as a personal consumer device. The point of this pilot is to find opportunities for large scaleRead… Read more »

Have A Wonderful Thanksgiving!

November 2010 Creative Capital Associates, Inc. would like to thank all of the fine people who have crossed our path all these years and to wish each and every one a wonderful holiday season and health and happiness for your entire families Gary Honig, President Creative Capital Associates, Inc. [email protected] 301-681-0080 Request for contactRead… Read more »

So Much To Be Thankful For!

Every year on Thanksgiving, my family and I go around the table and share what we are thankful for. As a teenager, I though this “so uncool.” Nowadays, I look forward to it. The fall is a crazy time of year, especially when the holidays come around. It’s easy to get wound up in theRead… Read more »

Thanksgiving is the best holiday in the USA!

Greetings to All thisThanksgiving Eve, I just finished up a week of diversity training and I thought about the beauty of the Thanksgiving holiday. Thanksgiving is truly a USA holiday that represents all who live in the USA. For me it also represents the appreciation for life and country. Everyone no matter what gender, race,Read… Read more »

Tiscornia and Rossi on an Ontology-based Model for a Collaborative Platform of European Law

Dr. Daniela Tiscornia of the Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques (ITTIG/CNR) and Dr. Piercarlo Rossi of Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Dipartimento di Studi per l’Impresa e il Territorio, have published ICT for networking research and education communities around Europe: Towards an ontology-based model for a collaborative platform of European law, EuropeanRead… Read more »

The Era of Compromise is Over

With the midterm elections safely behind them, elected officials now come to the most difficult part of their adventure—leading and making good on all of those campaign promises. An election is never an easy endeavor and the dirty little secret is that the real work begins after victory is declared. The challenge before the nextRead… Read more »

Community Building: Key Ingredients to Thrive

It’s the day before Thanksgiving, and let’s face it: we all have food on the brain. A second point to admit: when you start cooking tomorrow, unless you make pumpkin cupcakes and roasted squash every day, you’ll most likely need to follow a recipe. What’s a recipe made up of? Ingredients. Well, in cooking upRead… Read more »