Yearly Archives: 2010

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Funding NASA’s future

Happy Friday! Or maybe not, if you work for NASA or dream of going to the moon. President Obama’s budget set for release on Monday effectively proposes the end of the agency’s planned Constellation Program to send Americans back to the moon by 2020. Or, in the words of the the Orlando Sentinel, “There willRead… Read more »

Crime News: Time to Legalize Marijuana?

We place our articles on a variety of internet and crime news sites. We find that there are professional and blog sites where we have wonderful conversations about the materials we create. On one recent article we addressed the issue of society controlling itself rather than having the justice system exert so much control. TheRead… Read more »

Best Practices: U.S. Army using MySpace to recruit soldiers

By: Michael O’Dell In the world of social media recruiting, you hear a lot about the big three recruiting tools. These three are Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Often times, MySpace is completely overlooked as a source of recruitment leads. Many recruiters say the MySpace demographic is less professional. They say the medium is “too messy”Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Obama reiterates support for domestic benefits bill

President Obama reiterated his support for legislation moving through the House and Senate that extends full domestic benefits to the unmarried partners of gay and lesbian federal employees. A University of Tampa student asked Obama about his position on equal rights for same sex couples, noting that he had expressed support for a repeal ofRead… Read more »

Video Available for Princeton Open Government Workshop Panels &

Videos are now available for all of the workshop panels and the panel from Open Government: Defining, Designing, and Sustaining Transparency (POGW), a workshop held 21-22 January 2010 at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP). Click here for a summary of the legal-information-related discussion at the workshop.

Anyone up for an interview for my blog?

I am looking to further extend my knowledge, and that of my readers, around a few specific areas. If you are somone who would be up for an e-mail driven, or phone-driven, interview, to discuss one of the following, I would really appreciate it. — If you are in an Agency that leverages social mediaRead… Read more »