Yearly Archives: 2010

Interview – SF CIO and Tim O’Reilly

Empowering citizens to get stuff done Exec orders – require agencies to get out there. require dep’t heads to do it. 50 peers in big meeting. mayor can call them out. Need someone who gets it. Find pockets of innovation…in city government…and nurture those….so valuable in govt. build and support them. Grassroots army….build andRead… Read more »

Recap from CityCamp Ignite Sessions

Completing the 5 Ignite Session Jen from Code for America – kicked us off…how do we get people to connect, collaborate, vote…Code for America – cool hackers, cool cities…better cities. Teach for America for you New Orleans Data – awesome story of how worked with local govs to get data out around Katrina working withRead… Read more »

Pa.-based Web site aids municipal sales Pa.-based Web site aids municipal sales By Kristin E. Holmes Inquirer Staff Writer The sale of a government fire truck in Montgomery County used to be a process teeming with paperwork. The required mailings, bid applications, and newspaper advertising cost money, and often resulted in selling government property on the cheap. The Pottstown-based municibid.comRead… Read more »

Interesting Mix of People at CityCamp

So today is the start of CityCamp…. There has been a really cool introductions going on via the citycamp listserv and it looks like a fascinating bunch of people. A couple quick thoughts: CityCamp seems to bring slightly different people than the Gov 2.0 Camps and conferences I’ve been to. For example: -More journalist-related, hyperlocalRead… Read more »

I’m Live at CityCamp – You?

I’ll be blogging and taking some videos from the great sessions at CityCamp this weekend in Chicago. Had a great happy hour kick-off today talking to lots of really cool smart people including Kevin from Socrata. If you are here, would love to hear your blog posts, thoughts, and more. For those not here, checkRead… Read more »

Modern Communities – No Longer Exclusive Clubs

I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of community and how this applies to the digital world. It is something that a lot of people talk about, but I fear it is from learning the buzz words instead of from real understanding. The concept of a community is not new. In fact it isRead… Read more »

PAIRS Study: Relationship Skills Training Prevents Four Out of Five Divorces.

Four in five couples on the brink of divorce achieve significant, lasting improvements from participation in 9 – 12 hours of relationship skills training, according to research published by the non-profit PAIRS Foundation. Seth Eisenberg, PAIRS President and CEO, says the study has important implications for the public and policy makers. “We now know weRead… Read more »

The Dreaded Process Diagram

I had coffee with one of my hero consultants last week. Over a decade ago, I watched him work with a customer, and he was magic. In an hour he gently gave the customer a better understanding of how to operate his business that lasted for years. So now he’s older. Just talking to himRead… Read more »