Yearly Archives: 2010

Picking and Choosing…. Our titles.

So now that the Census campaign is out there, the real discussions have begun. Many people, organizations, and media companies have critical eyes on the Census advertising campaign, its advertisers, & the even the process in which the data is collected. But one topic that has and will probably always dominate “water cooler” conversations aboutRead… Read more »

Blippy, Woot, Bundle (Pardon me…)

21st century names for the Rice Krispie elves? Or powerful new, Twitter-pated, info-sharing services? The quest to reach the zenith of Too Much Information races upward. Fast Company reports on new ways to compare prices and get screamin’ deals: meet Blippy, Woot, and Bundle. Ever wondered what your online tribe are spending their money on,Read… Read more »

Exclusive: Southers speaks out about TSA nomination withdraw

By Dorothy Ramienski Internet Editor Federal News Radio President Barack Obama’s choice to lead the Transportation Security Administration withdrew his name Wednesday, and is now speaking out as to why. Erroll Southers said he was pulling out because his nomination had become a lightning rod for those with a political agenda. He tells Federal NewsRead… Read more »

Feds win reprieve from healthcare excise tax

y Suzanne Kubota Senior Internet Editor Federal employees covered under some of the more expensive plans in the Federal Employees Heath Benefit Program now have some breathing room as well. Federal workers had been left out of an earlier compromise on healthcare reform shielding union workers from a proposed 40-percent excise tax until 2018.Read… Read more »

AGA Research Study On Governance, Risk and Compliance

AGA Research Study On Governance, Risk and Compliance— AGA is conducting a study on Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) searching for real world application. The survey should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Here is the link to the survey – Thank you!

Open Government Needs Public Participation Calendars

Originally posted on the Intellitics blog: Open Government Needs Public Participation Calendars Over at Sunlight Labs, they have some design suggestions today around how federal agencies should approach their new /open website sections with regard to data. Here’s the comment I just left (pretty much the same point I made on the OSTP blog aRead… Read more »

Alec Ross, State Dept’s Senior Advisor for Innovation, to chat with Fed News Radio

Super excited to let you all know that Alec Ross, the State Department’s Senior Advisor for Innovation, will chat with Federal News Radio this afternoon at 4:05 p.m. on The Daily Debrief with Chris Dorobek and Amy Morris. We’ll talk about the issues surrounding the idea of Internet freedom in the wake of the Google/ChinaRead… Read more »

Analysis: Cracking down on contracting cheats

By Dorothy Ramienski Internet Editor Federal News Radio President Barack Obama signed an executive order on Wednesday to crackdown on federal contractors who don’t pay their taxes. It directs federal agency chiefs to take steps to bar those companies from receiving new government contracts. It also orders the IRS to review contractor filings to makeRead… Read more »