Yearly Archives: 2010

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: One year of ‘open government’

“Open Gov the Movie” – from Delib from Delib on Vimeo. Happy Thursday! One year ago today, good government groups and transparency advocates cheered as President Obama issued his first executive orders mandating the government “adopt a presumption in favor” of Freedom of Information Act requests and requiring that agencies become more transparent. “The governmentRead… Read more » live!

The Guardian is reporting that the website is expected to launch tomorrow (now today) – but apparently it’s already live – so everything’s in place bar the virtual ribbon cutting by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the guy who invented the world wide web. So what’s the big deal about this? Well – it’s a hugeRead… Read more »

Healthcare reform and helping fellow feds in Haiti

By Dorothy Ramienski Internet Editor Federal News Radio Will healthcare reform affect you? A lot of federal employees are wondering whether or not healthcare reform will affect them. To answer that question, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey spoke with NARFE Legislative Specialist Sarah Holstine and NARFE Assistant Legislative Director Margaret Hostetler. How can you help fellowRead… Read more »

Government Matchmaker – Introductions Please!

Just in time for Valentine’s Day!! A government matchmaker…sounds like a great plan, right? Evidently the National Telecommunications and Information Administration along with the USDA’s Rural Utilities Services are now providing matchmaking services so-to-speak. Their objective is to land the right partner(s) as far as expanding broadband access and adoption. Looking for compatibility online, hopesRead… Read more »

NAGW 2010 National Conference Call for Papers

The National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) is now accepting speaking proposals for the 2010 NAGW National Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, September 22-24. NAGW is seeking presenters who are willing to share knowledge and ideas and present on new technologies and trends that will allow attendees to return to their offices with fresh ideasRead… Read more »

Email, records, content, information, knowledge – What’s a records manager to do?

I saw this article on GCN, While EmailXtender is probably not classified as an Records Managment Application, it appears to have RM capabilities. EMC makes Documentum, which is DoD 5015.02 certified. I was somewhat curious when they mentioned that the system is stored off-site, which made me wonder if this was an actual stand-aloneRead… Read more »

Fail Forward Faster!

Attended an impressive meeting of the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce Small Government Contractors Consortium. Had some 20 companies represented. We developed a series of ideas for integrating Web 2.0 into existing businesses and I was amazed by how everyone seemed to like someone else’s idea better than their own. This was practical thinking by peopleRead… Read more »

Useful Links for the Open Government Directive

Useful Links for the Open Government Directive OSTP Blog – The White House Open Government Dashboard – Seeking your input: Slides from Open Gov Directive Workshop: Evaluating the /open pages for the Open Government Directive: Sunlight Labs Open Watcher: Participation and Collaboration: Two Cornerstones to an Effective Open Government: BarryRead… Read more »