Yearly Archives: 2010

Herb of the Month – January – Enchinacea Root

This well known plant should always be on hand in the winter months. It was used extensively by most Native Americans. It is well researched and considered to be a broad spectrum anti-infective remedy. It works well with other herbs to fight infection anywhere in the body, be it internal or external. Enchinacea Root isRead… Read more »

TSA Nominee Erroll Southers withdraws nomination amid ‘political agenda’

President Barack Obama’s choice to lead the Transportation Security Administration is withdrawing his nomination. Erroll Southers says he is doing so because his nomination has become a lightning rod for those with a political agenda. The White House says Obama accepts Southers’ decision with great sadness. Obama had tapped Southers, a former FBI agent, toRead… Read more »

How Microsoft Added Cheeky To Its Geeky

Today I’m happy to announce that I’ve taken a full time position as Director of Innovative Social Engagement for Microsoft, in its U.S. Public Sector division that handles federal, state, and local government, education, and healthcare business. I’ll be staying in the DC area (where the division is headquartered) and will still be involved inRead… Read more »

Pay for Performance Could Work?

Pretty interesting article on pay-for-performance. What is your take? How important is pay-for-performance? Part of my hypothesis is that “private sector” does not have a perfect pay system themself. Outside of certain roles like sales, lots of jobs have hard time measuring concrete performance and negotiations is truly what makes higher salaries (not performance). OutgoingRead… Read more »

Is the Coast Guard ready for Social Media in a Crisis Situation?

Though completely coincidental to the earthquake in Haiti, I’ve slowly been working on the thoughts and outline for this post- which now seems more relevant than ever. You’ll recall a post from a few weeks ago titled Social Media as a warning tool… which I now admit was kind of a letdown of a postRead… Read more »

Government Business 101: United States Constitution, the Executive Branch and Federal Contracting

From the Government Business Examiner by Donna L. Quesinberry In 2009 the “New Transparency” took on an enhanced definition per President Obama’s Administration – the new transparency became a virtual enactment of the transparency and accountability that public funding through federal contracting already envisions. What is the course of action that a business takes orRead… Read more »

January 22: Panel at Princeton’s Workshop: Open Government: Defining, Designing & Sustaining Transparency

A panel (scroll down) about the legal open government data project, will be held 22 January 2010, at the workshop entitled Open Government: Defining, Designing, and Sustaining Transparency, at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), in Princeton, New Jersey, USA. Click here to submit questions for the panel discussion, via Google Moderator.Read… Read more »

… Might as well try and tax the wind

Apologies to Dylan, but while pondering recent taxation maneuvers around the globe in renewable energy, the lyrics to his song Catch the Wind were blowing through my head. Investment Tax Credits (ITC) appear to be holding up in most countries, to the benefit of wind and solar power industry players; even as governments map outRead… Read more »

King inspiration

As the EEO Officer for the NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources, I often work to promote diversity, foster mediation and coordinate discrmination cases, which can keep me busy since we have about 4,000 employees. Yet, this past weekend I was reminded in a powerful way to keep working with a skip in myRead… Read more »