Yearly Archives: 2010

RDF and Open Government Data

More often than not the topic of RDF (W3C’s Resource Description Framework) comes up soon after you get into any conversation about open government data. It comes up as the discussion strays into ways of making published datasets more valuable to developers and other potential consumers of any data that might be made available. WellRead… Read more »

January Twitter Senate Experiment Results

You may recall that I started an experiment on Twitter reaching out to Political accounts on twitter, feel free to read here for a reminder. The United States Senate was out of session when I launched this experiment and I will run it again in February. However, I wanted to quickly report the results asRead… Read more »

Sometimes I Hate the Word Blog

Sometimes I Hate the Word Blog Sometimes I hate the word blog. It just doesn’t have a great ring to it. It doesn’t feel classy. It feels demeaning. It feels little. It doesn’t feel awesome. We need a cooler name for it – that’s more awesome. Ideations. Summations. Fibstations. Gibraity. Favorite

Social Media Revolution

YouTube post about the statistics of social media by Eric Qualman, blogger of Socialnomics. An education in 4 minutes.

Looking for gov-based social media data

I’ve been contacted by a colleague looking for some data about the adoption of social media technology by government. Here’s her question, prompted by a presentation she’s preparing: “Are you aware of any research that reports on the level of involvement of the US government (either growth in recent years, or something that compares corporateRead… Read more »

CFCNCA Hits the $62 Million Mark

There is still time to help those who need it the most. The CFCNCA supports more than 4,000 approved local, national and international charities that reach out to millions of people with life-saving, life-enriching services. Use the online charity search to find CFC-supported agencies that may interest you. The CFCNCA ends on January 15, 2010Read… Read more »

Synergy with

I just found out about the website, and noticed that they have a Government Agencies section. This brings up a general case about how an increasing number of like-minded communities will have areas of overlap. One of the intriguing aspects of the Web 2.0 technologies is that they provide an alternative to theRead… Read more »

Pushing the Government Send Button – Risk in the face of social media

t has been fascinating to watch governments – particularly in Canada – grapple with the risk paradigm. The worry is all too real, unfortunately, that interacting and sharing of their expertise and experience could land a leader on the front fold of the newspaper or silently put a clerk or policy analyst into a box.Read… Read more »