Yearly Archives: 2010

Help for Haiti Conference Call

In the wake of the devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti Tuesday, many concerned government, NGO and private sector technology folks from diverse organizations are mobilizing to help. I’m especially proud of the fact that some of my friends and colleagues from the Crisis Camp community are leading the charge. If you are a humanitarian assistance,Read… Read more »

Key Areas to Consider in Open Government Strategy and Planning

The release of the Open Government Directive on December 8, 2009 has prompted many Agencies to wrestle with what a comprehensive Open Government Plan for their Agency would look like. According to the Directive, Open Government Plans are due for each Agency in 120 days. (The Sunlight foundation provides a good high level summary ofRead… Read more »

GSA Opens Nominations for their Prestigious IRMCO Award

GSA’s IRMCO Award nomination application has been posted with a submission deadline of February 23. Monetary prize of $5,000 for the team award and $2,000 for the individual award. Applaud agency change leadership by nominating government colleagues for this prestigious award. Winners will be celebrated at GSA’s IRMCO conference, April 11-14, at the Hyatt RegencyRead… Read more »

Open Government Directive Workshop Results in More Questions Than Answers…For Now

This post originally appeared on my external blog,“Social Media Strategery.” Yesterday, I, along with 250 other people representing three dozen agencies, contractors, and non-profits, attended the second Open Government Directive workshop held at the Department of Transportation. The workshop featured 10 Ignite-style presentations (awesome) by federal employees engaged in some form of open government, followedRead… Read more »

Consumer Electronics Show: The Takeaway

In 1830s America, the fur trade introduced the forerunner of the American trade fair: the rendezvous, a regular annual gathering where all the bargaining and the buying were done. In wide pastures at the foot of the mountains, the Indian traders and fur trappers gathered with their pelts and the buyers came in with dollarsRead… Read more »

Thoughts on Gov 2.0 and Israel

So just got an opportunity to tell “The GovLoop Story” to Israel government officials who are looking how to use social media and social networking in their own country. Actually, Israel has created its own community based on the GovLoop concept and I felt honored by saying GovLoop was an inspiration. After my talk, IRead… Read more »

“Best of Cloud Musings” – Expanding Maneuver Warfare in IT

(Originally published 6/12/09) Earlier this week I published “Cloud Computing: The Dawn of Maneuver Warfare in IT Security” via Ulitzer. In publishing the article my intent was to explore the more dynamic approach to information security offered by cloud computing. Although the conversation continues in earnest, today I would like to highlight Ben’s thoughts fromRead… Read more »

Sweden’s Vision of eGovernment

I haven’t had a chance to read this document yet, but wanted to share it with you. Looks like it was published November 2009, but I just saw it float across the #Gov20 hashtag. If you review it, I’m sure GovLoop’ers would be eager to get your thoughts. Sweden eGovernment of Tomorrow Favorite