Yearly Archives: 2010

Blog Importer: Take 3

Three has always been a good number for me. And that’s a good thing since this marks my third attempt to test the blog importer. So let’s hope the old saying about it being charm holds true. Because I know you’re tired of seeing these meaningless posts from me. And I’d like to share somethingRead… Read more »

Top 5 Ways to Make Creating Meeting Minutes More Efficient

Your email inbox is overflowing, your phone is ringing constantly, and your assistant is on vacation. Requests are pouring in for more detailed information about the council meeting, and you haven’t even turned on your computer yet. If only you could check-off the most important post-meeting task, “Finish Minutes,” within an hour of arriving intoRead… Read more »

Code for America 2011 Projects Overview Video and Deck

This week, Code for America hosted a webinar to discuss our plans for the 2011 projects and how you can get involved. We were thrilled to see the great turnout, as well as the lively conversation happening on twitter. (For example, @govnerdgrrl: “Code for America webinar just talked about a Foursquare type app built on…JohnRead… Read more »

Good Stories

Good stories are a basic unit of communication. Gets to the point in a minute or less. Good stories go beyond words to form a lasting mental picture in the listeners’ mind. In Talk Your Business – How to make more and better sales right away! everyone gets to develop a story that interests them,Read… Read more »

CFCNCA Message from DHHS Deputy Secretary Bill Corr

Dear Colleagues: I am pleased to report that HHS employees in the National Capital Area are again stepping up to support the Combined Federal Campaign. Your contributions to the 2010 CFCNCA will help more than 4,000 charitable organizations provide health care, housing support and other important services that are in even greater demand this yearRead… Read more »

Friday’s Fab Five: Social Media Interns, Training and Telework

It’s that time again… Friday’s Fab Five! Every Friday, we’re summarizing the best of the week and highlighting five members or moments that were especially awesome. The Most Commented Blog of the Week goes to Jay Daughtry for his post “7 Questions to Reflect on Before Hiring a College Intern for Social Media”. Jay asksRead… Read more »

Supporters Rock-The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010

Originally posted on the Adobe Government Bits Blog November 18th, 2010 | Posted by John Cristofano Recently, President Obama signed into law the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010. The Act includes a number of provisions intended to increase access to video programming on television and the Internet, require access to theRead… Read more »