Yearly Archives: 2010

Suicide Prevention:Are We Doing Enough?

Suicide Prevention:Are We Doing Enough? During ‘Viet Nam’ (year ’62 to ’74 when I retired) I had put in more than a dozen years working in the IG shop at McClellan AFB, near Sacramento. Now long deactivated, the installation had had its share of active military-tenants during its lifetime as well as an Air ForceRead… Read more »

The People Behind the Numbers

The 2010 CFCNCA hit the $20 million milestone! Before this blog is written, posted and read by GovLoop users, we are confident Federal employees will have rallied again to hit the 2010 goal. The power behind this machine is fueled by Federal employees who give their time, demonstrate their commitment and showcase their creativity toRead… Read more »

Drupal and the US Government

Have you signed up yet for the Drupal summit? If you haven’t, you should! Signing up for events like this helps to connect both Government employees to contractors and Govies to Govies. No, seriously, it works like that. When you go to these events, you get to meet amazing Government employees who are doingRead… Read more »

PMF Assessment #1 2010-2011 (Class of 2011)

It appears the notice of results (i.e. the email with the link and information on the assessment) are starting to go out today to those PMF hopefuls who both successfully applied and were nominated by their respective school’s nomination official. As mentioned previously this year the assessment process has changed. This year the assessment processRead… Read more »

Infographic Resumes: Great or Weird?

My good friend Jon recently alerted me to a page of infographic resumes. As a career counselor for the last 12 years, I will admit that I find these resumes to be so different from what I’m used to that I am a bit annoyed by them. Actually, I find them extremely annoying.But it doesn’tRead… Read more »

A productivity winner: Gist for gmail

I have been a big fan of Gist for a number of months but I have honestly struggled with fitting it into my working style. Unfortunately, many tools like Gist want you to adapt to them, not the other way around. I think, however, Gist for Gmail may finally solve this problem. Aliza Sherman alreadyRead… Read more »

CB2: What TSA Can Learn From the Simpsons

Chris Bennett’s Crisis Blog (CB2) Part 1 of 2 on the TSA Debate The TSA pat-down situation is making national and GovLoop headlines this week as images of naked body scans and videos of screaming children being frisked circulate through millions of travelers and non-travelers alike. In today’s CB2 I’ll propose a partial solution toRead… Read more »

Spider-Man, Public Servant? It’s a comic book promoting a city service!

To quote the blurb: The Webslinger takes to the New York Daily News and Marvel App to promote public employment services! Features a very commanding Mayor Bloomberg, who’s already tweeted about it. It appears as an insert in today’s Daily News, or it can be downloaded via an iTunes app. More here.