Yearly Archives: 2010

Part Three on the Government’s Grappling with Radical Information Transparency

In the current highly charged political environment . . . the government is facing unprecedented levels of distrust among a small but growing subset of its citizens. Multiple disinformation campaigns, waged across a broad spectrum of media, have helped to create and then aggravate this distrust through dissemination of negative news – much of itRead… Read more »

The Government Man Confessess – Again

It is Monday morning and time again for another blog, based on my recently published book, Confessions of a Government Man: How to Succeed in Any Bureaucracy. My memoirs of my GSA career are probably not as newsworthy as those recently published by George Bush, but they’re a lot funnier. My last blog had toRead… Read more »

How Fit Is Your Gov 2.0 Project?

A book that I constantly recommend is Beinhocker’s The Origin of Wealth for two reasons. First, Beinhocker demonstrates how traditional economics is inadequate for explaining today’s economic systems. Second, he introduces complexity economics which is still developing but does a much better job in describing how real-world economies work and how people behave economically. ToRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio – Publivate Geordie Adams

This week we had Geordie Adams of Publivate on Gov 2.0 Radio They run an innovative/crowdsourcing technology and service company for public service. Some notes from his conversation. The methodology is key -what it is -what it is not -structure around it/responsibilities -strategic elements around it -how you communicate and market it -getting senior leadershipRead… Read more »

Help from everywhere

(cross posted on CG-LIMS Project Blog on Intelink-U) This week we’re going to inviting industry (and anyone!) to participate in a forum where we will: Share as much as we can to help industry help us deliver CG-LIMS Solicit input on acquisition strategy Provide a public forum for Questions and Answers We’ll do all threeRead… Read more »

Help Us Redesign GovLoop!

Hello GovLoopers – Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Judy Siegel and I’m a Fellow at GovLoop. I have a background in User Experience Design and Human-Computer Interaction and have been previously completed a fellowship at the DNC this past summer. I have also worked at several software companies designing websites, applications orRead… Read more »