Yearly Archives: 2010

Recession Proof Your Job

MYTH: My job security is determined by other people deciding my value; after all, someone else will decide to hire, pay and promote me. If you place your economic survival in others’ hands you will forever be in a position of weakness and vulnerability—leaving you feeling afraid. While you may not go to work everydayRead… Read more »

Honoring our Veterans

This is a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to our Veterans for the sacrifices you have made. You have been away from your loved ones in foreign lands; you have endured hostile environments; you have mourned the loss of your friends; and you have risked your lives and possibly suffered wounds that may never completely heal… YouRead… Read more »

WEBINAR ON TBC METHOD: A Public-Private Partnerships Initiative (Earn 1 CLP) for just $25

Government leaders, managers, employees and industry….don’t miss this chance to learn about the HOTEST Public Private Partnership method around…. the TBC method. The Acquisition Institute Inc., is hosting on 1 December 2010 at 1pm EST, a WEBINAR for just $25. As many people that can crowd in a conference to hear about TBC or whatRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Crack Down on the Wealthy and Powerful; Empower Citizens Instead

This interview marks the fourth of a brand new series on GovLoop called “GovInsights” where we are interviewing and highlighting the thoughts and perspectives of professors at colleges and universities who are researching and writing about government issues. This time, we talked to Dr. Gregory Squires, a Professor of Sociology, and Public Policy and PublicRead… Read more »

Open data awareness is building as citizens see real value

As I was catching up on e-mail this morning I was listening to morning news in the background (efficient, no?). What caught my attention was the fact that Channel 7 in Boston is planning to review many of the new MBTA mobile applications tonight. Yes, stories about the MBTA releasing data is not new, severalRead… Read more »

CB2: GroupMe Gets the Gov2.0 Treatment

It’s always great when you discover something that’s not only fun but can make your job easier. Recently I became aware of a service named GroupMe that enables you to instantly define a group of friends or co-workers and text them all at once with a single number. To give it a try, I setRead… Read more »

Why Blog?

Had another request to “ghostblog” for a CEO. It usually goes like, “Well you started us on social media, you know what we do, why don’t you write it for me?” I’m starting to think that if someone has the ability to do the CEO blog, maybe they have the ability to be the CEO.Read… Read more »