Yearly Archives: 2010

The “No Wait” Waiting Room – Document Management IS Constituent Service

One of my favorite jobs was working in the National Main Street Program. I love Main Streets and the program focused on making communities inviting and to help communities serve their residents and visitors better. The idea was that people get an impression about your community or your business, by the atmosphere that they experienceRead… Read more »

Honor a Veteran today

Join ClearedJobs.Net in honoring veterans today! For each post on our Cleared Military Facebook wall ClearedJobs.Net will buy a Cup of Joe for a Joe, a program that provides a free cup of coffee to soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. If you know a veteran thank them for their service to our country. AndRead… Read more »

Open Government: Government of Catalonia’s Open Data Project a Reality

The Government of Catalonia initiated the Government of Catalonia Open Data Project so that the general public, businesses and other organisations would be able to have access and re-use public sector data. This data will then be able to be used to create value. For the full story visit:’s-open-data-project-is-already-a-realityel-proyecto-datos-abiertos-de-la-generalidad-de-c/?lang=en Favorite

How would you assemble your #gov20 dream team? Tonight on #localgovchat

This has post has been written before. But it can’t be written enough. I was having a discussion about how to structure a good communications staff. What level/grade should staff be? Does staff doing online engagement report to public affairs? How does IT fit into the picture? Those sorts of questions were being tossed around.Read… Read more »

Getting to Know the Elephant

About two months ago, Lovisa Williams of the State Department wrote on her blog about about six areas that need attention if the current changes in government (toward openness, transparency, and collaboration) are to be institutionalized : People. We need to find ways to support the change agents and others who are working to ensureRead… Read more »

Community Building: It’s More about Your MEMBERS, Less the TECHNOLOGY

Three factors collided to spur this post. 1. I walked myself through a 224 gold-mine slideshare deck on “The Real Social Network” and found this gem quote “Understand behavior, not technology.” 2. I stumbled across an online community for Mercedes Benz owners called “Generation Benz” that is built in flash, looks like it blew outRead… Read more »