Yearly Archives: 2010

Join the Virtual Student Foreign Service at the Department of State – One Week Left to Apply

The State Department’s Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) eInternship applications are available on (search “VSFS eInternship”) from November 3-17. If you are a U.S. citizen college or graduate student interested in conducting digital diplomacy through a virtual eInternship with a U.S. Embassy, Consulate, or Mission overseas, this program may be for you. Students fromRead… Read more »

GovLoop Live Chat- Rebooting the Public Sector, MacroWikinomics, & Next Thursday

********************************************************** JOIN US NEXT THURSDAY, NOV 18 AT 2pm – RSVP HERE! *********************************************************************************** I’m super-duper excited to announce our next GovLoop Live Chat next Thursday, November 18th at 2pm EST with Anthony Williams, co-author, MacroWikinomics-Rebooting Business and the World. This live chat is brought to you by our great partner Google – make sure toRead… Read more »

Tagwhat helps you augment your reality

Image by turkletom via Flickr In my opinion augmented reality will not become mainstream until 2012, there is time to prepare. However, in the meantime it is important to understand what augmented reality is today, what it could become in the future, and how you could potentially weave it into how you do business todayRead… Read more »

Clouds Gather over Federal IT

www.fedinsider.comA positive outlook is enveloping cloud computing. Not only has GSA awarded 11 contracts for infrastructure as a service (IaaS), but other companies are jumping in with cloud services of their own. For the GSA offering, the real strength lies in the fact that GSA will complete certification and accreditation (C&A) under Federal Information SecurityRead… Read more »

Notes from NDU iCollege’s Social Media Conference, 11.09.10

Originally posted to the ChatterBachs blog. Yesterday, I attended the National Defense University iCollege’s Social Media Conference entitled “Social Media Implementation Across Organizational Boundaries”. The sessions were informative and interesting. Below you will find some of my notes. This is in no way intended to be a comprehensive representation of the sessions but rather justRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Want to Really Honor Them? Give a Vet a Job!

Tomorrow is Veterans Day and we’re all thinking about the significant sacrifice that our soldiers make every day. Federal Diary columnist Joe Davidson at the Washington Post suggests that one of the best ways we can truly honor them is to put them at the top of the pile for jobs: How to truly honorRead… Read more »

Happy 235th Birthday U.S. Marine Corps!

The Continental Marines were founded November 10, 1775, by a resolution passed by a committee of the Continental Congress. The resolution drafted at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia called for two battalions of marines to aid in the fight for independence on land and sea. Samuel Nicholas was the Commandant of the newly formed Marines andRead… Read more »

FICM Pecha Kucha – 2nd Thurs in Feb 2011 @ 11 am PDT

Federal Intranet Content Managers Lightning Round Presentations Everyone welcome, all sectors of government, civil service, contractor, private sector, int’l, general public, academia, etc. Suggested Topics: What Makes My Intranet Unique, Why I love Social Media, Cool New Social Apps, etc. Meetings will be online via GoToMeeting – 1000 participants max. Use IdeaScale to get ideas.Read… Read more »