Yearly Archives: 2010

New York Times: Stage Set for Showdown on Online Privacy

WASHINGTON — After “do not call” lists became popular, more than 90 percent of people who signed up reported fewer annoying telemarketing calls. Now, privacy advocates are pushing for a similar “do not track” feature that would let Internet users tell Web sites to stop surreptitiously tracking their online habits and collecting clues about age,Read… Read more »

Craig Thomler on Gov 2.0 in Australia

On Friday 29 October 2010 well known eGov AU blogger and Commonwealth public servant Craig Thomler spoke to a crowd of roughly 200 Victorian public sector employees, covering the basics of Government 2.0 as well as examining several case studies. His slideshow can be viewed at Mr Thomler also attended a smaller roundtable discussionRead… Read more »

TEDxMidAtlantic: Disruptive IDEAS, Breath Taking MOMENTS and CHALLENGERS All Over the Place

On Friday at Sydney Hall it was all about ideas worth spreading. TED, the usually very exclusive (and expensive) premium event was coming to DC for not only affordable prices but also for an audience that is willing to make a difference. Now, you might wonder how does that differ from any of the otherRead… Read more »

Improving Customer Service

Voters have signaled that they aren’t happy with the role of government. Surveys also say they are upset with government employees and don’t trust government. Yet research shows that citizens base their perceptions on their personal experiences. So would improving customer service help? In the 1990s, the Clinton-Gore Reinventing Government effort thought the answer wasRead… Read more »

Learning to relax about (new) apps and (old) government brands

You’ll have noticed the drift towards freeing up the information of the UK’s Foreign Office for others to use – the feeds, the API, the social media, and so on. Getting our travel advice especially into the sites, widgets, pages, applications that others are using is hugely important. We have to take this stuff toRead… Read more »

Strategic Planning and the Value of Libraries

From the Government Info Pro: Thanks to Ellen Ensel, Director of Knowledge Management and Library Services, U. S. Institute of Peace, for the this article: Strategic Planning and the Value of Libraries. This article was originally published in the 2010 Best Practices for Government Librarians: The New Face of Value. Best Practices is a collaborativeRead… Read more »

Where Malcom Gladwell Left Off: Social Media & Next Generation Democracy

This post originally appeared on my blog, Last month Malcom Gladwell wrote an article in the New Yorker: “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not be Tweeted.” I’ve been thinking about this article ever since it came out, and people have asked me to respond on several occasions. When I read Next Generation DemocracyRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Do You Have a “Duty to Die”?

This interview marks the third of a brand new series on GovLoop called “GovInsights” where we are interviewing and highlighting the thoughts and perspectives of professors at colleges and universities who are teaching, researching and writing about government issues. This time, we talked to Dr. James Keagle, Director of the Transforming National Security at theRead… Read more »