Yearly Archives: 2010

Rainmaker #1 Gifts

We are providing a new offering, a ten minute “Rainmaker” idea before the monthly Capital Technology Management Hub meetings in Tysons Corner. This Tuesday, November 9th is the next free CTMH meeting. For details and to sign up go to Here is the handout for Rainmaker #1. Joining a conversation, whether a formal introductionRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Elections, Projections and Suggestions

Welcome to week number two of… Friday’s Fab Five! Every Friday, we’re summarizing the best of the week and highlighting five members or moments that were especially awesome. 5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week was posted by Daniel Honker, who asked “What do the mid-term elections mean for public servants?” In fact, HonkerRead… Read more »

GovUp Boston Round Up – If You Got A Problem Yo I’ll Solve It

First off let me say that Boston was definitely a great city to end our GovUps tour in. All the cities rocked but Boston definitely brought the energy! We had tons of different people repping different places from all levels: federal (GSA people in Boston were a blast), State of Mass, YGL Boston and more.Read… Read more »

Mediocrities Complain, Superstars Don’t… True?

I have an article for you today with some food for thought. Also, I wanted to remind you – if you want to register for my Nov 11-12 capture class, there are only 3 days left to register, and only a couple of spaces open. If you want to get my highly successful capture systemRead… Read more »

What do the midterm elections mean for Gov 2.0?

Sweeping election gains for Republicans in the 2010 midterm elections will shape how Gov 2.0 initiatives and open government move ahead in the next two years at the state and federal level. At the state level, limited resources will mean other states may follow in California’s footsteps, where budget woes meant connecting citizens to e-servicesRead… Read more »