Yearly Archives: 2010

Halloween Horror Stories – Happy Halloween

Check out my Halloween video on Proposal Horror Stories: I am sure you can relate to these, and have lived more of your own proposal nightmares… If you have more chilling stories, please share them with me. Also, don’t forget to check out our training workshops coming up a little over a week: “TheRead… Read more »

GovLooper Rally Makes the Christian Science Monitor, 3rd Most Viewed Article

Here’s the Christian Science Monitor article: “Government Workers: We Need Love, Too” Excerpt: Everyone knows the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear on the National Mall in Washington Saturday is a counterweight to Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally in the same venue back in August. But betcha didn’t know there was anotherRead… Read more »

Recommendations – Social Media’s Game Changer

Recommendations are increasingly important with written social media. LinkedIn is my primary driver, but those recommendations are so good they deserve a wider audience beyond my LinkedIn connections. I think my recommendations are better than any brochure or resume I could write. Customers describe us differently, and their perspective may be more valuable to prospects.Read… Read more »

Friday’s Fab Five: Digital Divides, Long Rides and Job Guides

We’re going to start something new on GovLoop (aren’t we always?): Friday’s Fab Five! Every Friday, we’ll take a quick look back at the week and highlight a five members or moments that were especially awesome. Here’s the first installment: 5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week was Steve Radick‘s “Addressing the Digital DivideRead… Read more »

Social Justice: Bringing Light to Our Darkness

Social Justice: Bringing Light to Our Darkness Ron Manderscheid, PhD Executive Director, NACBHDD As our nights lengthen into fall, darkness has also descended upon our country’s dialogue on National Health Reform. Positions have hardened, and the gulf has widened among our points of view. In this period of uncertainty, it is useful to revisit theRead… Read more »

The Cost of Working for the Government: My Reason Why Government Doesn’t SUCK!

Considering a job with the Government may be a tough decision, at least in the financial aspect. Nonetheless, many young, bright minds seek a position with the government. For me it has been a life long dream, but now in my mid-twenties, with student loans from undergraduate and graduate school, a child, a mortgage, aRead… Read more »

The Human in Human Services

Working for housing and community development agencies gave me many glimpses of health and human service agencies, both governmental and non-profits. As a result, I know many case managers, folks who’ve dedicated their professional lives to helping others through programs like homeless prevention, nutrition, vocational rehabilitation and foster care. What’s so hard about dedicating yourRead… Read more »