Yearly Archives: 2010

Getting To Seamless

In my last post, I set out a comment from a speaker at a recent event held at NASA. The quote was: “The future of Open Government is allowing seamless conversations to occur between thousands of government employees and thousands of others.” I think this is what we are now calling a network. In thisRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – LAUNCH: Health…Finally!

This is it! The week we host LAUNCH: Health, the second in our series of sustainability incubators. NASA partnered with USAID, Department of State, and NIKE to create the LAUNCH initiative to identify, showcase and support innovative approaches to global challenges. Through LAUNCH, NASA can host a global conversation about innovative solutions. We’re problem-solvers, afterRead… Read more »

Return on Relationships

This article was originally published on the Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATIONIt is a common trap on many IT projects that team members are so focused on ensuring project “success” (typically defined as on-time and on-budget delivery) that team members forget the critical importance of developing and maintaining effective relationships. Ironically, forgoing the relationship building elementsRead… Read more »

Australia’s broadband dilemma

Workers in Australia’s ICT industry have never had it so good – not only has broadband taken its place as a ‘water cooler’ topic, it has brought with it unprecedented levels of investment. But not everyone’s happy. I sat at a roundtable held at the Australian High Commission in Singapore yesterday with a trade delegationRead… Read more »

Community Building: Your Initial Stakeholders

Let’s say you are planning an important celebration…perhaps your 30th birthday party. The event is meaningful, and something you want to be a success. You have the choice of inviting everyone you know – all of your 800 friends on Facebook, or your closest friends who you think will be most likely to come, andRead… Read more »

Hermeneutics and Diversity

As discussed previously on this blog, hermeneutics is the study of the interpretation of of events. So, in studying the usefulness of hermeneutics in public administration, we must consider how different groups interpret events differently. Here’s an example: Last year, one city determined that its volunteer boards and commissions were composed of only 15% minorities,Read… Read more »


This weekend we went to a function at a resort. In our room was a next-generation, multi-blade razor. The package was a nifty travel case, there were several coupons for more blades and special smell’um. This was the marketing that made Gillette King! I was enjoying the care some marketer had taken to get meRead… Read more »