Yearly Archives: 2010

Interview with Paula Bray, Manager, Visual & Digitisation Services, Powerhouse Museum

Interview with Paula Bray, Manager, Visual & Digitisation Services, Powerhouse Museum In this interview CeBIT Australia asked Paula about her role and responsibilities, implementing Web 2.0 tools, biggest lessons learnt, examples of online community engagement, “effective” use of social media, the challenges to open government and what the future holds for the Powerhouse Museum. ReadRead… Read more »

Thomler: Strong Progress Made, but Governance Frameworks and Organisational Culture Still Inhibiting Gov 2.0

An evolution of the culture within the public sector towards supporting Gov 2.0 has made steady ground since the declaration of open government in July, explains Gov 2.0 advocate, Craig Thomler. But governance frameworks and organisational culture are proving to be the biggest inhibitors to transformation, he believes. Thomler, Online Communications Director at the DepartmentRead… Read more »

Lundy & Thomler: World eDemocracy Awards to Boost Australia’s Global Reputation & Credibility in Gov 2.0

Senator Kate Lundy and Craig Thomler have both commented that their respective win and nomination at the World eDemocracy Awards will boost Australia’s reputation and “provide global credibility and interest in Australia” for Gov 2.0 approaches. Commenting on her win to awards organisers, Lundy said it recognised Australia’s progress in Gov 2.0 and would improveRead… Read more »

Open Government goes on Broadway at Fedtalks

What did I learn at Fedtalks? The Department of Defense is way ahead of the country on electronic health records. The Veterans Administration’s new “Blue Button” is a sorely needed salve to disabled veterans. By 2014, NASA CTO Chris Kemp estimates that Generation Y will be over 47% of the workforce. President Obama knows howRead… Read more »

Social Innovation Match Making, Washington DC Tuesday October 26

Sign up to the event here now! Have you ever noticed how hard it is to find the right person in government (or any other organization for that matter!) to help you make your idea a reality. Fix this, tweak that, wouldn’t it be good if… Well Social Innovation Match Making DC will help toRead… Read more »

Are the Experts in Cubicles or Classrooms? (PREZI)

I just wrapped up sharing this presentation with some folks as part of the George Washington University Senior Leader Program…details later, but wanted to embed the presentation right away so they (and you!) could have a link: NOTE: I also posted a 2-part series that is the presentation-as-a-blog-post : – Part 1: – PartRead… Read more »

The Opportunity in Job Loss

I was 21 when I lost my first job. After working my way through college at various departments in Michigan government—the administration that I was working for lost the election. It was a shock that a popular governor had lost—and even more so for me personally as my future plans had been radically altered. TwentyRead… Read more »

What’s Another Name for “Director”

A colleague and I are having a discussion about the position or title of Director. Is it over saturated or is the title appropriate for the position. The position we are discussiong specifically is for that of a Social Media and Enterprise 2.0 person. They wish it to be called coordinator. This position does notRead… Read more »

Ohio-Based Mission Essential Personnel Raises $11,500 for Veterans First Foundation

On Friday, October 8, 2010, Mission Essential Personnel, LLC (MEP) sponsored a fundraiser for Veterans First Foundation, a nonprofit organization that helps Columbus-area veterans with needs ranging from free clothing to prosthetics, and from rides to the veterans hospital to temporary housing. The event raised $11,500 for Veterans First. “This is the first time MEPRead… Read more »

COTR TRAINING @ Affordable Rates

The Acquisition Institute Inc., ( is one of the very few training agencies that operates throughout the United States and overseas providing acquisition training at rates that are nearly 1/3 less than GSA Schedule holders and competitors. TAI’s specialty is basic contracting courses, of which, COTR courses make up the bulk of our business withRead… Read more »