Yearly Archives: 2010

Talking Cold Call Blues

Thanks to Ram Iyer for asking about cold calling. Cold calling is a technique for getting focus from new prospects. Sales professionals use the phone because it covered a wider geographic footprint than canvassing door-to-door, and the weather is usually better indoors. The golden age of cold calling was before voicemail. Return has been decreasingRead… Read more »

Giving Perspective to Our Expectations

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE 10-15-10 Keep health reform’s expectations in perspectiveImplementing a century’s worth of vital reforms will take time—it won’t happen overnight by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD This year has been very momentous and tumultuous. Health reforms needed for at least a century have succeeded, and implementation has just started. These reforms are desperatelyRead… Read more »

Five Recommendations for Educating Leaders in Technology and Government 2.0

Originally posted at my blog Last month I attended the Belfer Center’s Conference on Technology and Governance 2.0. The conference featured amazing attendees – Ellen Miller (Sunlight), Mike Klein (Sunlight), Karen Gordon Mills (US Small Business Administration), Mitch Kapor (Electronic Frontier Foundation), Paul Sagan (Akamai), Susan Crawford (Cardozo), Jonathan Zittrain (Harvard), Nicco Mele (Harvard/EchoRead… Read more »

Top 9 Things I Hear Myself Saying About Social Media to Others

Just posted to the ChatterBachs blog: “Top 9 Things I Hear Myself Saying About Social Media to Others” Re-printed here on GovLoop in its entirety: As I talk with others about social media and the power of it, there are certain phrases or concepts I find myself repeating often. I thought I’d turn theseRead… Read more »

UPCOMING WEBINAR ON THE “TBC ACQUISITION METHOD.” The TBC method enables Government Agencies to reduce expenses and actually create real opportunities for government workers during economic downturns

Many government officials including mayors, council members, city administrators, public purchasing officials, CIO (IT) directors, and more are looking for ways to provide services and not layoff workers. Today, there is not enough tax revenue available to support budgets. There is an option–it’s called the Transitional Benefits Corporation Methodwhich provides real opportunities for continued governmentRead… Read more »

Give Yourself a Pat on The Back!

Ed O’Keefe published an article in today’s Washington Post that’s a nice pat-on-the-back to Govies, recognizing that we really are the ones who keep things going, and who do so with honor, integrity, and respect for our Nation’s fiduciary responsibilities to its citizens. Here’s an excerpt from Ed’s Fed Eye commentary: —————————————————————————– The nation’s federalRead… Read more »