Yearly Archives: 2010

Award Winning Art Signs

Last month the American Art Museum received a commendation for Art Signs OnLine from the international JODI Awards which recognize innovative uses of digital media to make museums, galleries, libraries, archives, and heritage venues more accessible to disabled people. Susan Nichols, Chief of Education at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, tells us about the genesisRead… Read more »

“If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It” is Broken Yesterday, like every Thursday was #lrnchat, a weekly public Twitter chat I help moderate that focuses on organizational learning. The topic was on “Tools of the Trade” and the group of 100 (more or less) professionals ran through a number of topical questions related to how we find out about, select and replace toolsRead… Read more »

Fed Agencies Need Fundamental Change

The October 7th edition of Federal Daily says that Disability Hiring for the Feds is hampered by Agency attitudes and low expectations for success. The article references a Government Accountability Office focus group which determined that Federal agencies need to fundamentally change their cultural atmosphere which holds people with disabilities as poor hiring candidates ifRead… Read more »

Complete references and links for Identity theft blog

Here are the references and links to additional resources that my have been left out of my post yesterday. Identity Theft Resources References Buell, D. & Sandhu, R. (2003). Identity management. IEEE Computer Society, 1-3. Milne, G. R. (2003). How well do consumers protect themselves from identity theft? The Journal of Consumer Affairs, (37)Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: October 15, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Salon interviews Steven Johnson, the author of “Where Good Ideas Come From,” who argues that what we need to focus on is making incremental changes rather than trying to achieve singular epiphanies or game-changing brakthroughs. Great advice for career govvies! Mashable explores the difference between facebook and twitter, saying that the former isRead… Read more »

Cashing in Citizen Points

What I have noticed over many years of working in local government is that residents who call with concerns or problems will at some point announce how many years they have lived in that particular city. It can be anywhere from 1 to 90+ years. But no matter the amount of time, the declaration isRead… Read more »

Pat Sajak on Fed Voting Rights

So I know I rarely post here anymore, but this link was too epic to let slide: Wherein you find one Pat Sajak questioning whether Feds should be eligible for the vote or even some lovely parting gifts. None of my family and friends is allowed to appear on Wheel of Fortune. Same goesRead… Read more »

Facebook Public Records Update

I’d like to continue on Scott Horvath’s blog post about Facebook’s “Download Your Data” with a quick analysis from a public records retention viewpoint. Having researched this issue thoroughly in the past and blogging “ Needs to Carry the Public Records Torch” on GovLoop, I keep a close eye on this. For background, agencies nationwideRead… Read more »

Your topic for October 14 Event, Job That Matters ?

Job That Matters follow up opportunity ? I have received an email invite to an event on October 14 where i identified your topic as relavance to my expertise and knoweldge relating to ‘technology innovation & entrepreneurship’ utilzing the Stimulous Package (SP) grants requirement of PPP (private public partnership) for job creatiion tasks that alsoRead… Read more »

How Do Rocket Scientists Learn? (aka, knowledge management lessons learned at Goddard, NASA)

Originally posted at my blog: Rocket scientists, software developers, systems engineers, and all the other people that work at Goddard helping us better understand the earth and space are smart. That’s a given. But how do they improve their practice, learn from each other, and continue to improve on overwhelmingly complex tasks? In aRead… Read more »