Yearly Archives: 2010

Social Media: Putting a Human Face on Government

At a couple of recent presentations on social media for local government, I asked the audiences of IT professionals which tools they were already using. At least 90 percent indicated they were using Twitter or Facebook, usually both. The battle for social media adoption has been won. However, adoption is just the first step, andRead… Read more »

Now what? Career transitions made simple

A post from Patra Frame, HR Strategist for ClearedJobs.Net At many of the seminars I give I see people who are facing a career change and they are not at all sure how to manage it. Whether you are transitioning from the military or federal service, looking for new opportunities after years in one area,Read… Read more »

Gov IT professionals weigh in on ‘Gov 2.0’; B.C. Apps Contest Harnesses Civic Passion

Adriel Hampton interviews Christina Morrison, HP’s public sector marketing manager, about a new survey of 103 local, state and federal senior IT professionals discussing Gov 2.0 adoption. Also, Adriel talks with Luke Closs, co-creator of the civic app VanTrash, about open data and apps contests.

Latest Federal Acquisition News You Don’t Want To Miss

There have been a number of changes lately that are important to government contracting that you need to know about. But before I delve into them, I wanted to let you know that our November capture and proposal 2-day training courses in Rockville, MD are now half-full, with some people traveling from out of townRead… Read more »

The Wicked Problem of Gov 2.0

What exactly is the nature of the Gov 2.0 challenge? This question was inspired by Andrew Krzmarzick’s post (“What Gov 2.0 Needs Now: Managers, Money and Models”) and Christina Morrison’s post (“What is Gov 2.0? A survey of Government IT pros”) on the recent GovLoop survey about Gov 2.0. As Andrew and Christina argued, theRead… Read more »