Yearly Archives: 2011

Phone Tips & Tricks: Get Disconnected

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. Last week we were talking about air travel etiquette. As we saw, there is a time and a place for using your cell phone. With smart phones,Read… Read more »

Government Resume Makeover: Christman, Flynn and Kugler

Earlier this year, GovLoop and Young Government Leaders (YGL) launched the “Rock Your Resume” Project. It started out as a group on GovLoop in January, but has quickly grown to over 800 members. What began as peer reviews has evolved to leverage the experience of two top-notch expert reviewers – Camille Roberts & Paul BinkleyRead… Read more »

Mobile Apps – a series on their accessibility

The Accessibility Forum 2.0 blog recently started a series on mobile apps and their accessibility to people with disabilities. First they looked into the question of how Section 508 relates to mobile apps. Then they discussed their accessibility in more detail. Copies of both posts are included below. Mobile Web apps and Section 508 MobileRead… Read more »

Fighting Entropy

Al Malinchak gave the latest episode in the further adventures of Sister Maria Tyrannica today at the Human Resources Leadership Forum, titled On Wednesdays We Wear Pink, from the influential leadership blog of the same name. Al has two strong skills. One, he and Jimmy Buffet are the reigning chroniclers of post-Altar Boy development, andRead… Read more »

CityCamp Colorado Recap

The 2nd annual CityCamp Colorado was held on October 28, 2011, with about sixty participants from eighteen cities and counties around Colorado, several private IT sector leaders, members of academia, and the engaged public. (Cross posted from the Open Colorado website, Here’s a rundown of how the day went: Opening remarks from Tom Downey,Read… Read more »

Launching Accessibility Resource Center

Government buyers can now use the Accessibility Resource Center to find accessibility information on the product or service they intended to buy. The Accessibility Resource Center contains an alphabetic list of many company websites with links to their product and service accessibility information, including VPATs when available. Many of these companies participate in the BuyAccessibleRead… Read more »

Justice, public safety and homeland security October review

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. The homeland security and justice and public safety markets had many familiar trends in October, with next generation 911 (NG911) projects taking a large portion of state and local spending. The other major player was narrowband radio systems, which will likely continue to have a strong presence until the FCC’sRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0: Network Analysis for Income Inequality?

I’ve been thinking a lot about these two types of graphs at the moment. This first is a single chart that shows income growth for various segments of the US population broken down by wealth. This second is a group of graphs that talk about pageviews and visits to various websites on the internet. WhatRead… Read more »