Yearly Archives: 2011

Public & private sector orgs work on interoperability standards for cloud

Two cloud computing groups are coming together to create industry standards for managing cloud computing environments. The Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) and the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) are joining forces to focus on interoperability and simplified cloud management. The partnership is working to create interoperable management of virtual machines spread across several dataRead… Read more »

PM Podcast Episode 197: How to Avoid Project Portfolio Failure – Part 1

This week’s episode of The Project Management Podcast: Many of you will remember Joel Fleiss ( from our past interviews with the PMI LA Book Club. We heard him review one of Patric Lencioni’s books. But Joel is more than just a book reviewer, he is a senior project manager and project management consultant inRead… Read more »

Week in review Nov 4th

Very bust week in politics and social media Dept. of Homeland Security looks to monitor social media CIA monitors Facebook, Twitter: Five million tweets a day Facebook surveillance claims first campaign victim In Social Media and Politics, Engagement and Influence Trumps Follower Count How Presidential Candidates should use Social Media… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: “It’s the Economy, Stupid” – Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Happy Friday GovLoopers! Hope you had a great Halloween! During the Presidential debates, one thing has stayed at the forefront of the discussion: jobs. How do we create more, where are jobs are going, what kinds of jobs are we prepared to handle. Every other issue comes back to this – healthcare, education, immigration –Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up – November 04, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This past Monday, I led a Webinar for GSA on the basics of government use of Facebook and Twitter. This week, I saw quite a few articles on how and why government agencies are using social media (or how they could use it better) and how to measure their effectiveness with those tools.Read… Read more »

Friday’s political law links and have a great weekend

YESTERDAY’S HOUSE HEARING NEWS. Politico. “The committee members then ordered the FEC to make public a long-undisclosed enforcement manual and penalty procedures or face a congressional subpoena.” The Hill’s report is here. “Among the documents requested from the FEC is the agency enforcement manual, as well as records detailing how the FEC calculates penalties forRead… Read more »