Yearly Archives: 2011

Banks: The Disruption Begins?

I wrote a few weeks ago about how banks were setting themselves up to be disrupted by introducing all sorts of extra fees for their customers and basing their business on services people didn’t need. Now, just a few weeks later, 35,000 people have closed their accounts with major banks and put their money intoRead… Read more »

Miami-Dade County introduces the Children’s Health Education and Economic Resource

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. Teachers, school nurses and medical professionals in Miami-Dade County, the fourth largest school district in the nation, will soon be able to access comprehensive student records that include not only health information, but education and social services data as well. Through collaboration with Microsoft, The Children’s Trust, Health Choice NetworkRead… Read more »

Maryland upgrades court system

Maryland has chosen Tyler Technologies to integrate its court management system using the Odyssey(R) solution. The Odyssey court management system will integrate managing and reporting court information in order to help the state meet its Maryland Electronic Court (MDEC) goals. The state court system is working to upgrade and streamline many of its legacy systems.Read… Read more »

Tracking Your Health: Jawbone’s New Up Wristband

Many of us know about various Bluetooth devices (e.g. headsets, etc.) that allow us to connect with technology wirelessly. Well now, Jawbone, one of the manufacturers of the headsets we know and love, has come up with a way to track our health statistics and patterns with similar technology. Introducing the Up wristband. Announced thisRead… Read more »

How is Your Communications Area Organized?

Jina Gaines of the City of Virginia Beach is doing some research into how government communications departments are structured. Her questions are below. Which communications structure does your organization subscribe to (centralized vs. decentralized)? By centralized I mean there is coordinated messaging from a department of communication/public affairs office and within that department/office there areRead… Read more »