Yearly Archives: 2011

Green Government Podcast Episode 23: Learning More About GoElectricDrive

Interview with Terry Johnson, Director, GoElectricDrive, Electric Drive Transportation Association In Episode 23 of the Green Government Podcast we’re chatting with Terry Johnson, Director of GoElectricDrive at the Electric Drive Transportation Association. Terry has extensive experience in government, business and the non-profit sector and will be talking with us today about the importance of electricRead… Read more »

EDUCAUSE 2011 Annual Conference recap

Deltek Analyst Derek Johnson reports. The 2011 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference was held October 17-21 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia. The theme of the conference was almost exclusively IT-based and focused on strategies to leverage IT solutions and systems software, and technology to improve the higher education learning experience. Judging by the more thanRead… Read more »

Advice and Counsel for Amanda

Amanda would be well advised not to make a career in government because Congress wants to eliminate the FERS retirement system and reduce it to just a 401 k plan and social security… Furthermore, the super committee in Congress appears to be failing in its mission of reducing the debt and deficit. So, if thingsRead… Read more »

With Indiana working to become more efficient, will the state see more funding for opportunities?

Deltek Principal Analyst Brian Coyle reports. With numerous states facing deepening budget issues, one state which has been working to improve its efficiency is Indiana. A few years back, Governor Mitch Daniels formed the Indiana Commission on Local Government Reform to develop recommendations for reform and restructure within the state to increase efficiency and reduceRead… Read more »

First Stop Saying First

First came “Cloud First” in the 25 Point Implementation Plan To Reform Federal IT Management (9 December 2010). Then came “Sharing First” and “Future First” in the “vision for information technology” (25 October 2011). According to Federal Times (31 October 2011), there are many more ‘firsts’ to come– with a “set of principles like ‘XMLRead… Read more »

The Next Generation 9-1-1 Investment Act: An investment into the future of 911

Deltek Analyst Evan Halperin reports. On July 22, 2011, United States Representative John Shimkus, a Republican from Illinois’ 19th District, sponsored a congressional bill titled The Next Generation 9-1-1 Investment Act (H.R.2629). The bill would allocate $250 million in competitive grants to enable state and local governments to move to next generation 911 (NG911) technology.Read… Read more »

October wrap-up for health care and social services

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. October saw a flurry of health insurance exchange (HIX) activity among the states. West Virginia’s Offices of the Insurance Commissioner released a request for information (RFI) for HIX information technology on October 21. Responses are due by 2 p.m. EST on November 30. A $9.6 million grant awarded in JuneRead… Read more »