Yearly Archives: 2011

OpenGov @NASA – FICM – Nov 10 – 2 pm EST

Please join us for the full Federal Intranet Content Managers (FICM) GoToMeeting on Nov 10 at 11 am PST. Dave Hebert will be the MC and Allison Soussi-Tanani will be our coordinator. Two of our FICM Steering Committee members will kick off the meeting with talks on “personas”. Our highlighted speaker this month is NickRead… Read more »

HP Family Better Together

 I wanted to share a post from HP’s Mark Budgell on last week’s announcement that our PC business will remain part of HP. As we have said throughout the evaluation process, we absolutely stand by our PC products and customers, and we’re excited to continue doing so together with HP. A couple monthsRead… Read more »

Scrum Tune-up

Guest post by Jim Kinter In my previous post I referenced a conversation with a colleague about a Scrum implementation that hasn’t produced the results he expected. His expectations from the outset seem to be primarily focused on productivity, but motivation and drivers for choosing Scrum is for another day. As I was mulling thisRead… Read more »

Extreme Makeover: IT Department Edition?

How does your IT department look from an outside perspective, maybe even your CIO’s perspective? Check out this insightful post from Centurylink’s own Blake Wetzel. It really asks the big questions that all of us should be exploring! Originally posted in the ThinkGig Blog. We’ve all had those moments: A time when we take aRead… Read more »

What’s the Most Inopportune Time Your Internet Didn’t Work?

Face it, it has happen to us all…some internet connections are spotty and they doesn’t always work when we absolutely need them to! Tell us a story about when your internet connection went out and you REALLY needed it to work; What were you doing? What were the pressures? How did it make you feel?Read… Read more »

Aetna Goes Mobile!

Aetna is now with you wherever you go. All you need is your phone! Say you are on the road and need a doctor, or maybe you find out you need a specialist while at the doctor’s office. With a couple of taps of the finger, an in-network provider is found, and you can call,Read… Read more »

California releases new high-speed rail plan

California has released a new business plan for its high-speed rail project. The plan calls for creating a high-speed rail line between San Francisco and Los Angeles but will cost $98.5 billion – more than twice the previous estimate. The plan will also take several more years to complete than previously estimated, work isn’t expectedRead… Read more »

Social Media In Government: Which Tools Should I Use?

The criticism that social media in the workplace is merely a distraction to employees and a waste of billable time is becoming a thing of the past. The evolution of social media’s presence in the public sector is changing the way that government organizations connect with citizens and improving the way in which employees doRead… Read more »