Yearly Archives: 2011

California releases new high-speed rail plan

California has released a new business plan for its high-speed rail project. The plan calls for creating a high-speed rail line between San Francisco and Los Angeles but will cost $98.5 billion – more than twice the previous estimate. The plan will also take several more years to complete than previously estimated, work isn’t expectedRead… Read more »

Social Media In Government: Which Tools Should I Use?

The criticism that social media in the workplace is merely a distraction to employees and a waste of billable time is becoming a thing of the past. The evolution of social media’s presence in the public sector is changing the way that government organizations connect with citizens and improving the way in which employees doRead… Read more »

Change in our Affiliate Program

On Monday, December 5 2011, we will be moving all our PMP Exam Prep Products and PDU Products from Premiumcast to Nanacast. This move is necessary, because Premiumcast is closing down soon and only by migrating over to Nanacast will we be able to continue offering our affiliate program to you. The good news isRead… Read more »

More Data on Feds Use of Social Media

The study, Social Media in the Public Sector, created by Market Connections, continues to yield interesting data. We’ve previously talked about the increasing use of mobile devices in the federal government, and many of us know just how much overall use of social media has expanded over the last year, but now we’re finding outRead… Read more »

6 Contractor Responsibilities Post Award

Your GSA contract has been awarded and now you can relax right? Sorry to disappoint you but the answer is no, you still have more work to do. Hopefully you have had contact or least know your point of contact (Contract Specialist) if you have questions about your contract, if not it is best thatRead… Read more »

Wednesday’s political law links for Nov. 2nd

CONGRESSIONAL TRAVEL UPDATE. USAT. “Four years after Congress imposed restrictions on travel funded by outside groups, federal lawmakers are frequent fliers again, taking 415 privately funded trips between Jan. 1 and Sept. 30 — a nearly 75% jump in the number of trips they took during the same period in 2010, records show.” COMPLIANCE ISSUES.Read… Read more »

Taking care of ourselves, other people and our world

We’ve invited James Togut from The Good Life For All to guest blog for us as the winner of the best idea for the “Help People Help Each Other” Challenge in our Competition (if you were thinking the competition is over, think again, we’ve now launched the second half which is for designers and developersRead… Read more »