Yearly Archives: 2011

Signing up for our Newsletters and Tech Reports

Our premier publication is our monthly technology review. Every month we send this to over 6000 technology thought leaders. This monthly summarizes reporting from the blog as well as tech trends from the IT industry. The monthly also provide links to our technology assessments. Other products include our Daily summary, the Daily Fedcyber.comRead… Read more »

Budget Transparency & Visualization Tool, Look at Cook, Open Sourced

Earlier this year, Cook County released “Look at Cook,” a budget visualization tool to help citizens understand how the county spends taxpayer dollars. As the site says, residents “keep asking, ‘Where exactly does our money go?’” Look at Cook attempts to help answer that question with spending breakdowns by area and year, as well asRead… Read more »

Organizing the Commons

My colleague, Gadi Ben-Yehuda, is deep into a discussion about using hashtags on Twitter and of strategies for broadcasting to certain audiences. His use of certain terms raised a few hackles, and he asked me to share my thoughts. Once I reviewed the conversation, I have to agree with the Tribe of the Raised Hackles.Read… Read more »

A girl walks into a shop….

In the midst of a meeting with one of our sections yesterday I had an interesting conversation. The meeting consisted of some people who work with service users. I wont tell you which one, it’s not relevant and it’s not fair. But in this meeting there were two very digitally literate people and two notRead… Read more »

Is social media really social?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com The debate is whether social media is a conversation or a one way form of communication. I argue that it’s a matter of quality versus quantity. Responding to Comments–Three Cases: I did a presentation on social media before leadership of a federal government agency. There was a point where we discussed the logistics ofRead… Read more »

I’ve Got the OODA Blues

To paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield, military theorist John Boyd can’t get no respect. The latest attack on the Loopy One, published in Armed Forces Journal, again mischaracterizes the OODA (Observe-Orient-Decide Act) Loop: This notion that there are specific knowable causes that are linked to corresponding effects dominates military thinking and manifests in our drive to gatherRead… Read more »

Hoekstra on the MetaLex Document Server: Version Control and Linked Data for Statutes and Regulations

Dr. Rinke Hoekstra of the University of Amsterdam’s Leibniz Center for Law has posted The MetaLex Document Server, on the VoxPopuLII blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. In this post, Dr. Hoekstra describes the technology of the MetaLex Document Server, a new service that provides free public access toRead… Read more »