Yearly Archives: 2011

This one’s for my old man (#movember)

Friends, As you may know my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer last February, he has since undergone surgery and to the best of our family’s knowledge he is currently cancer free. But we are never really free from the cancer are we? Fear, worry, reminders of what it has done – or worse whatRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: The Puck Stops Here

The Washington Capitals are off to their best start in team history. I’ve enjoyed watching the games on television with my nine-year-old son Jack, and he’s been thrilled with their performance after they flopped in the playoffs last year. While watching a game the other night, he asked, “Why is the team playing so muchRead… Read more »

Learn By Doing

When talking about leadership, Dick Davies said “leadership can not be taught – it can only be learned.” It caught me by surprise at the time, but has stayed with me as a fundamental in developing leaders. Learn by doing. In my youth, I wanted to learn to play tennis and read several books aboutRead… Read more »

Political law links for Tuesday, Nov. 1st

CAIN AND PRIVATE CHARITY ISSUES. The Post. “‘It looks like a law school exam on potential campaign-finance violations,’ said Lawrence H. Norton of Womble Carlyle, a former general counsel at the Federal Election Commission.” JOINT GUIDANCE REGARDING REDISTRICTING. From the House Ethics Committee. “While congressional redistricting is constitutionally mandated, the redistricting process is a stateRead… Read more »

Scores on the Doors

We’d like to thank everyone that put forward an idea and everyone that provided valuable feedback on the ideas. We were overwhelmed with the quantity and quality of the ideas and it was a very difficult task for the Judges to come up with the winners of the best ideas for how people could improveRead… Read more »

A Community of Practice Is More Than a Website

A community of practice (CoP) is, according to cognitive anthropologists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession. Over the last year or so, the term communities of practice has entered the social media buzzword lexicon along with virtual collaboration, engagement, platforms, and Enterprise 2.0.Read… Read more »