Yearly Archives: 2011

Macabre Humor: Strange but True Stories for Trainers

Either I have weird friends or friends who just know weird things. To be quite honest, they know true, scary things. Not exactly Edgar Allan Poe but interesting facts of history I thought I’d share on Halloween. Not exactly Cave Man stuff, but close. I’m thinking more 15,000 B.C., but we’ll find humor in truthRead… Read more »

Small Business Administration and Department of Labor Mobile Challenges

One way government can produce mobile products is through contests like those on We wanted to highlight two agency mobile challenges: First, the Small Business Administration launched the Apps for Entrepreneurs challenge this week. The SBA wants better tools for entrepreneurs and small businesses to navigate the Federal government’s programs, services, and procurement opportunities.Read… Read more »

Appetite for Disruption

I’m going to come clean: I’ve got an appetite for disruption. And it seems to be growing. Day by day I’m becoming ever more interested in the notion of disruption. Increasingly, I find myself looking for areas that are ripe for disruption, and within those areas, looking for the particular thing that could be theRead… Read more »

Mission Essential Personnel Adds Former SOCOM Commander Admiral Eric Olson To Board of Advisors

10/24/2011 Chantilly, VA – Mission Essential Personnel, LLC (MEP) today announced that Adm. Eric T. Olson, who recently retired as Commander, US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), has joined its Board of Advisors. Olson was the first SEAL to command USSOCOM and will share his unique global perspective with MEP leadership as the company continues toRead… Read more »

Deloitte GovLab releases As One Study

Getting big things done in government — launching new programs, implementing budget reductions or achieving difficult agency missions — requires effective collaboration. Members of an agency, command, office, bureau or division should commit to a single objective. Multiple layers of bureaucracy and multiple levels of government should work in concert among themselves and with privateRead… Read more »

California announces Medi-Cal cuts

California plans to start cutting Medi-Cal payments. The state sought federal permission to reduce the amount of money it gives out to cover health care for the state’s low income residents. Under the terms of the plan the state will make a 10% cut in the amount of reimbursements it pays out, a move whichRead… Read more »

What does 7 Billion People Look Like?

By the end of 2011, it is projected that the Earth’s population will pass 7 billion! Have you ever wondered what that looks like? Esri has created maps to explore just this. These interactive maps answer each of the following questions: Where do People Live? How Rapidly is Population Growing? How Long are People Living?Read… Read more »

What questions do you have about open data, apps contests and sustainability?

*What questions do you have about open data, apps contests and sustainability?* Earlier this year, the Environmental Protection Agency launched a contest to build “green apps” using its data. After months of preparation, development, publicity and engagement, the contest produced 38 apps: Last week, the winners of the contest were announced Tomorrow, I’ll be moderatingRead… Read more »