Yearly Archives: 2011

Inspiration from TedX MidAtlantic: How Can We Engage the Public?

This weekend I had the opportunity to attend the TedX Mid-Atlantic conference in DC. For those of you who are unfamiliar, TED is a nonprofit “devoted to ideas worth spreading”. TED has annual conferences in California, and independently organized TEDx conferences throughout the year in cities all around the world. Let me tell you, thisRead… Read more »

Analyst or Reporter: Implications for Data

I was watching the news the other day and started thinking about the differences between news analysts and news reporters. Many channels now have folks with titles like senior news analyst, senior Washington correspondent, policy analyst, and so on. When did reporting “news” become more than just actually telling folks what happened in a particularRead… Read more »

4 Core Regulations You Should Know

With any contract there are always rules and regulations and to have a contract with the federal government you need to adhere to the rules and regulations of the specific agency of your interest, in addition to the regulations of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). The FAR governs all federal contracts in the acquisition process.Read… Read more »

What is FedBizOpps and How Do I Utilize It

A largely known website for federal procurement opportunities is Federal Business Opportunities, it can be located at This site has government contract opportunities greater than $25,000. There are several ways to utilize this site and search for potential government contract work. Within the search engine of this website you may use anyone of theseRead… Read more »

Top 5 Government Contract Websites

There are so many government contract opportunities that get passed by because many believe that there is one central website that caters to contract business. Federal Business Opportunities is the most popular site that receives a large portion of online traffic, But wait! I have good news many government agencies post opportunities internally as wellRead… Read more »

Meth Labs And First Responders

By: TVR – a 28 year veteran First Responder. Several studies involving law enforcement personnel responding to and investigating clandestine drug laboratories have shown significant evidence of adverse short and long-term health effects, primarily to the respiratory system. When cooks make the drugs to feed America’s methamphetamine (meth) habit, it is done using toxic andRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Can You Guess What Google’s Most Searched Halloween Costume Was?

If you guessed “angry birds” (based off of the hit mobile video game), then you are correct! An article in GovTech outlines the runner-ups as well: 1. Angry Birds 2. Black Swan 3. Playboy Bunny 4. Nicki Minaj 5. Smurfette 6. Wilfred 7. Monster High 8. Tron 9. Captain America 10. Pan Am 11. CharlieRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Government’s green plans revealed today

According to this story over at the Washington Post, today many federal agencies are expected to release progress reports for what they’re doing to reduce the government’s carbon footprint. The more eco-friendly efforts are part of an initiative put forth by Barack Obama back in 2009. In total, the government is hoping to reduce itsRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: Leading on the Dotted Line

Last month, I held an online training for GovLoop members around the three key secrets for rising up to the challenge of leadership. For today’s column, I wanted to share a question from a participant of this training. Do you have the same recommendations for dotted-line managers—for people who must pull together different teams, perhapsRead… Read more »