Yearly Archives: 2011

GovBytes: Can You Guess What Google’s Most Searched Halloween Costume Was?

If you guessed “angry birds” (based off of the hit mobile video game), then you are correct! An article in GovTech outlines the runner-ups as well: 1. Angry Birds 2. Black Swan 3. Playboy Bunny 4. Nicki Minaj 5. Smurfette 6. Wilfred 7. Monster High 8. Tron 9. Captain America 10. Pan Am 11. CharlieRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Government’s green plans revealed today

According to this story over at the Washington Post, today many federal agencies are expected to release progress reports for what they’re doing to reduce the government’s carbon footprint. The more eco-friendly efforts are part of an initiative put forth by Barack Obama back in 2009. In total, the government is hoping to reduce itsRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: Leading on the Dotted Line

Last month, I held an online training for GovLoop members around the three key secrets for rising up to the challenge of leadership. For today’s column, I wanted to share a question from a participant of this training. Do you have the same recommendations for dotted-line managers—for people who must pull together different teams, perhapsRead… Read more »

What Now?

I’m pretty sure my situation is not unique, so I thought I would reach out to this amazing community to ask, “What now?” When I first came to DC to pursue my MPP I knew it was going to be a challenge. I had zero experience in government or politics and the closest I hadRead… Read more »

Interested in sharing your views about public service?

The Public Service Research Panel,, is an online research panel of public service professionals who volunteer to participate in occasional web-based surveys and studies about the important work they do and the organizations they help lead. If you are a government or nonprofit professional, or graduate student planning a career in public service, youRead… Read more »

#DevLearn Bound

In what has become the seminal event of my year in learning for the past three years, tomorrow I arrive in Las Vegas for the annual DevLearn conference. I have enjoyed seeing the conference grow over the past several years and once again I am both honored and humbled to be a part of it.Read… Read more »