Yearly Archives: 2011

B2B vs. B2C SEO – Differences Between Strategic Approaches and Skills

What are the differences between SEO actions taken for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) campaigns, vs. Business-to-Business (B2B)? KME Internet Marketing has delivered many B2B campaigns over the past years, typically regarding very technically-complex or domain-specific subject matter – we’ve found the following information and strategies tend to ring true for most… For B2B SEO vs B2C, theRead… Read more »

Top 5 Forums of 2011

1.) “What would a ‘government shutdown’ mean in practical terms?” started by Chris Stevenson When the government first threatened to shut down in February, many govies were confused about what exactly this meant to them – what were the consequences? What would change? Would their agency close it’s doors, or remain open? Will they getRead… Read more »

Political law links and my sincerest happy holidays wish to you!

AON SETTLEMENT. Story here. “Aon Corp., the largest insurance broker, agreed to pay $16.3 million to resolve criminal and civil probes of possible bribes paid overseas to get business.” The DOJ release is here. FRIENDLY FACEBOOK CAMPAIGNS. Politico. “Is this the cycle in which presidential campaigns finally figure out how to effectively use Facebook asRead… Read more »

The Deltek Straight Dope on State Budgets, Part III: Improved Ending Balances

Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. The National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) and the National Governor’s Association (NGA) released a report this week outlining the fiscal condition of the states. Some media coverage has sensationalized the report and the states’ fiscal conditions. This analysis examines NASBO numbers and related business implications, in blackRead… Read more »

Mass. Among States Looking to Develop Assessment/Accountability Systems to Boost Education

Deltek Principal Analyst Brian Coyle reports. Earlier this year, the Obama Administration began an effort to offer more flexibility from federal education mandates in exchange for a commitment from various states to adopt reforms that would boost their overall student achievement. After the announcement, 11 states formally submitted requests to the U.S. Department of EducationRead… Read more »