Yearly Archives: 2011

Is Your Agency Ready for Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Compliance? Meet Your December 6th Deadline

On November 4, 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama signed a new Executive Order to establish a uniform policy for the government treatment of “Controlled Unclassified Information” (CUI). This framework standardizes practices around the sharing of Controlled Unclassified Information, with the goal of improving the sharing of information within the executive departments of the U.S. FederalRead… Read more »

Follow Through

When learning the long jump, I was taught the jump wasn’t complete until I was out of the pit. That kept me from falling backward and losing total distance. In golf, I get more distance when I exaggerate the follow-through at the end of my swing. The ball also goes in the direction I want.Read… Read more »

Economist Article on Wiki Legislation

I’m quoted in the Economist today: Government by (all) the people […] Successful examples of legislation by the masses are rare. Most people don’t know how to write laws. Tim Bonnemann, the founder of Intellitics, an American firm specialising in public-participation tools, says a better method is to canvas views widely but use a smallRead… Read more »

Feds revoke $80m grant from Louisiana for mismanagement

Louisiana has lost an $80 million rural broadband grant for failing to keep their broadband expansion project on track. The Commerce Department rescinded the grant stating that the project administrators were repeatedly unresponsive to requests for information and updates on where the project stood. Senator Mary Landrieu has said that her state missed an opportunity,Read… Read more »

It’s Blue Pencil/Gold Screen Time Again!

2012 Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Competition Call for EntriesHow to Submit a Winning Entry Teleconference Be recognized! Enter your best work in the National Association of Government Communicator’s 2011 Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Competition. This annual international awards program recognizes superior government communication products and those who produce them. Complete detailsRead… Read more »

NASCIO higlights state CIO priorities in annual survey

Deltek Principal Analyst Jason Sajko reports. Yesterday, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) published its state CIO priorities and priority technologies for 2012 report based on its annual state CIO survey. The survey is a valued peek into the minds and wish lists of state IT executives; and when compared against pastRead… Read more »