Yearly Archives: 2011

Your Fear of Social Media-Don’t Stick Your Neck Out

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Fifth and final article on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. In the first article I stated, “Media respects those who do social media. They like your willingness to engage. They sometimes are willing to give you the benefit of doubt because you are obviouslyRead… Read more »

What’s on Your Top Ten List? State CIOs Speak Out

The 2012 list of state CIO priorities released today from NASCIO. Not much change from last year, despite 25 new state CIOs. Consolidation, budget, governance, health care and cloud computing are among the most critical policy or technology issues to be faced by state government in 2012, according to state CIOs surveyed by the NationalRead… Read more »

Zombie Graphic Novel on Emergency Prep Created by Former Contractors and CDC Career Feds

Originally published by Anthony Critelli on GovWin Following the success of the Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse blog in May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) recently created the Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic [PDF] graphic novel to teach the importance of emergency preparedness. We caught up withRead… Read more »

Holidays and Storytelling

HOW MY TOO-FARAWAY STORYTELLING BEGAN by greatgrandpa Mike I live in one city, my grandchildren in another almost a thousand miles distant. During one of my visits I took my, then, three-year-old granddaughter for a stroll. We paused to examine a spider’s web that spanned the space between two shrubs. A brief shower had passedRead… Read more »

Hello! Let Me Introduce Myself

I am new to GovLoop. I am very glad to have stumbled across your group and am looking forward to sharing, learning and possibly working with some of you in the near future. I am currently working for Army HQDA at Ft. Belvoir. I am a Continuity of Operations SME, Network Disaster Recovery and anRead… Read more »

Changing government culture the open source way

Can an entrenched bureaucracy, encumbered by a rigid culture and public records compliance adapt open source ways to collaborate more effectively? Is it like pulling teeth just to get people to share ideas? Is that devil’s advocate bringing your team down? If you want results, try something different. Use open communications and transparency with yourRead… Read more »