Yearly Archives: 2011

Changing government culture the open source way

Can an entrenched bureaucracy, encumbered by a rigid culture and public records compliance adapt open source ways to collaborate more effectively? Is it like pulling teeth just to get people to share ideas? Is that devil’s advocate bringing your team down? If you want results, try something different. Use open communications and transparency with yourRead… Read more »

Would a Learning Contracting Officer Help Your Agency?

In general, there are three types of contracting officers — the procuring contracting officer, the termination contracting officer and the administrative contracting officer. It may be time to add a fourth type — the learning contracting officer (LCO). You see, contracts specialists train to become full-fledged contracting officers. Much of what we contracts specialists doRead… Read more »

Updates on Dronegate

Since I wrote my fist post on the virus affecting the drone fleet at Creech Air Force base, information has begun to trickle in and some interesting commentary has emerged. The Air Force has followed their official press release stating that the virus, which they say was a credential stealer, was merely a nuisance withRead… Read more »

Recovering from the Recovery Act, Part 2

President Obama put Vice President Biden in charge of the implementation of the $787 billion Recovery Act. Ed DeSeve had an eagle eye’s view of the interaction between agencies, states, localities, and non-profits. He shares his lessons learned from Recovery Act implementation, as well as advice for “the next big implementation challenge,” whatever that mightRead… Read more »

Strong Solar Job Growth in ’10-’11

The 2011 Solar Jobs Census, recently released by The Solar Foundation, has found that solar energy provided a bright spot in the job market between 8/10 and 8/11, a time when the overall number of jobs increased only slightly. Visit and The Solar Foundation for more information. Original post

“Sound is going to be bigger than video”

“Sound is going to be bigger than video” BY ADMIN ON OCTOBER 26, 2011 · 0 COMMENTS[EDIT] Http://LeonardSipes.Com “The Atlantic” recently offered an article titled “How Has the Internet Changed in the Last 5 Years?” and included an incredible presentation from Mary Meeker, a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. Meeker’s report covers globalRead… Read more »

What makes older federal workers’ job satisfaction decline?

Note: I work for the Washington Post to produce our weekly “Fed Buzz” column, written by GovLoop staff. The column appears on the Fed Page of If you have ideas for questions you’d like us to explore in the weekly column, please send me a message through GovLoop or email [email protected]. You can alsoRead… Read more »