NYC subway riders love their countdown clocks
According to a new survey, NYC subway riders at stations with countdown clocks rated service higher than at stations without real-time information. Original post
According to a new survey, NYC subway riders at stations with countdown clocks rated service higher than at stations without real-time information. Original post
Massachusetts state and local officials held a ground-breaking ceremony today for a wind turbine program at the Kingston Layover Facility. Original post
BART is moving forward with plans to install a solar canopy over part of Lafayette Station’s parking lot to help power the station’s electric needs. Original post
If you can’t be at the Open Data Camp but are interested in all things open and all things data, then do follow the conversation at #ogdcamp – we’ve created a fountain so you can browse the tweets here!
A friend who is a former Representative and a respected advisor of many senior politicians recently asked me for some thoughts on cyber legislation. In general, people ask my thoughts because of time I’ve spent working strategic cyber issues in the Cyber Conflict Studies Association (CCSA) or because of my history at DoD’s Joint TaskRead… Read more »
The legal informatics conference calendar has now been updated. The calendar lists primarily scholarly conferences that focus on e-government and legal information systems, or that are known to welcome papers on those topics. Click here for a list of events just added to the calendar. If you know of events or other information that shouldRead… Read more »
Day 59 Budget Analysis As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had our intern create a spreadsheet so I could track the money that has been spent in the accounts related to my division. Today I started going through that document checking it against invoices and making sure each entry was coded correctly. IRead… Read more »
Hey everyone! I’m brainstorming ideas for local tweet up and thought I’d ask my fellow govies if you had done one before and get any feedback you may have. I’m hoping to work with our local Chamber of Commerce for a neutral (and free) location. I’m without a fancy food spread or cool NASA shuttlesRead… Read more »
The Federal Communications Commission is staking out a rough position on broadband. The commission is considering capping broadband funds while simultaneously promoting broadband expansion nationwide. The vote would cap funds for rural broadband available through the Universal Service Fund. The Universal Service Fund is a surcharge every American pays on their telephone bills in orderRead… Read more »
Deltek Sr. Analyst Jeff Webster reports. With Crime Prevention Month coming to a close, we take the opportunity to highlight another method of preventing crime: predictive policing. This is a fairly new method of crime prevention that has been picking up steam the past few years. The basic concept of predictive policing is built onRead… Read more »