Yearly Archives: 2011

Grandma, Grandpa, Holidays Coming

OLDER ADULTS, COMPUTERS AND GRANDCHILDREN by Greatgrandpa Mike Moldeven Don’t let the keyboard intimidate you. Here are models that you can adjust to suit your situation. ‘Grandma and Grandpa have moved to a house that is far from where you live. We will still see you as often as we can, but sometimes the waitRead… Read more »

UC Davis Opens Net Zero Energy Community

It’s the largest planned net zero community in the United States, and has a self-described goal to “demonstrate, for the first time, that zero net energy is practical on a large scale.” Read more about the community at Original post

There’s no such thing as a FREE Lunch….or is there?

Well….the old adage, “There is no such thing as a Free lunch” is still true, but you can download Free (or low cost) Food Related Publications from is a great resource to find official publications on Cars, Consumer Protection and even, ‘Going Green’. Pubs on Computers are especially helpful too, check this siteRead… Read more »

Nebraska seeks to implement REAL ID security plan

Deltek Analyst Joanna Salini reports. The state of Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles (NDMV) is looking to establish a REAL ID security plan in compliance with the REAL ID Security Act. The state released a formal solicitation on October 13 for a Comprehensive Driver’s License and Identification Card Issuance Security Plan. REAL ID is aRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Glendale, Ariz., using “smart” street lights

The city of Glendale, Ariz., is using an automated monitoring system to help it track performance of street lights throughout the city, according to a story over at Government Technology. The 55-square mile area’s 20,000 street lights are interconnected through a system called Remote Operations Asset Management, or ROAM. “I describe it as a photoRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Google+ Traffic Plummetting

Government Technology reports that last week Google Engineer Steve Yegge inadvertently shared a post on his public Google+ profile, criticizing Google+. Government Technology reports that during the invite only stage Google+ claimed 120 million unique visitors, but since the invite-only period has closed, traffic has dropped by 60%. GovBytes reports: In Yegge’s post he wentRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Lessons of Leadership Part 2 – Overcoming Obstacles

Our guest blogger today is Jon, a recruiter in California working for the IRS Recruitment Office. He just finished a temporary assignment as acting manager over one branch of our office. Going through the IRS training program for future managers has been an exciting journey for me. I started the program by attending a oneRead… Read more »