Yearly Archives: 2011

The Future of Academic Research

Yesterday, Nature – one of the worlds premier scientific journals recognized University of British Columbia scientist Rosie Redfield as one of the top 10 science newsmakers of 2011. The reason? After posting a scathing attack on her blog about a paper that appeared in the journal Science, Redfield decided to attempt to recreate the experimentRead… Read more »

Collaborative Democracy: Transition from Money-Driven to Knowledge-Based Society

Dimitar Tchurovsky is the author of the 2011 book “Collaborative Democracy: Transition from Money-Driven to Knowledge-Based Society.” Currently living in London, Bulgarian-born Tchurovskyhas offered to send his book in PDF format “free of charge to NCDD members in return of direct feedback, critique, or any questions may have but remained unanswered.” Tchurovsky has a DegreeRead… Read more »


Check out the new DemocracyU website at, the internet home to the American Commonwealth Partnership. The website highlights the inspiring work that engaged students are achieving at universities, colleges and communities across the country. The site will include students’ personal stories of off-campus activities as well as discussion and debate on the evolving roleRead… Read more »

How to capitalize on IDIQs

It seems that the tides have turned in the Government contracting world firmly in the direction of IDIQs and GSA/VA schedules. If you are the Government, it is hard to imagine why it would not be the case. Instead of a lengthy 12-18 months procurement process, the Government can award a contract in two toRead… Read more »

USDA Social Media Moment #7: DC Quake Rocked the District, but the Tweets Rolled On

DC Quake Rocked the District, but the Tweets Rolled On (Click for Photos!) Number seven on our list of Social Media Moments was our August Twitter chat with Food and Nutrition Service’s Under Secretary, Kevin Concannon and ABC’s Dr. Richard Besser. This edition of Dr. Besser’s weekly live chat addressed hunger in America and allowedRead… Read more »

Taking Kaleidoscopic AIM: Designing a Matrix for “Cognitive-Communication” Consciousness

[If you do not wish to receive my free mailings, email [email protected]] Hi, As we rapidly stream through the holiday season and New Year, I hope you can reconnect with loved ones, whether in person or electronically. I hope too you will take the time to pause and recall both fond memories and any feelingsRead… Read more »