Yearly Archives: 2011

2011 Blog Action Day: Feeding Our Youth

This year’s Blog Action Day post comes from guest author, Marilyn Maciel – she lives in Davis, California where she has witnessed firsthand the benefits of school gardens, a garden-based curriculum and a visiting chefs program. You can reach her at Twitter at @MarilynM Recently I read a story about a Kenya Red Cross volunteerRead… Read more »

Tracking Your Social Media Impact/Engagement (Open Source Edition)

If you aren’t following the work of Jason Calacanis (Mahalo, ThisWeekIn, etc), the short answer is you probably should. Like many others at the tech forefront and the many start up guru’s of the West Coast, Jason is one that loves to share his ideas, his work, ideas with others, and simply just provide informationRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Stocks Defying Gravity

Stocks rallied strongly last week as the Dow gained 543-points, following through on the relentless rebound off of the early October low. The news of bailouts in Europe helped propel the rally, ironically at a time when there is a world-wide cry out against such big bank and Wall Street bailouts. It was a bigRead… Read more »

Relaunch of Juricaf: Database of Francophone Supreme Court Decisions

Guillaume Adreani of L’Association des cours suprêmes judiciaires francophones (AHJUCAF), has announced the re-launch of Juricaf, a database of francophone supreme court decisions, available on the Web, free of charge. The database includes a total of more than 700,000 full text decisions, from 46 nations. Click here for dates of coverage and statistics on theRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 52

Day 52 Although I worked in the office for a few hours today mainly on correspondence and checking with our inspector and engineers to find out the status of some projects, most of my day was spent at our APWA Public Works Camp. This event is our second unconference session that we’ve hosted, and bothRead… Read more »

What’s Up With Google Plus?

Dick will be featured on Tom D’Auria’s IMI TechTalk, Sunday, October 16,6 pm Eastern/3 pm Mountain Time, discussing how Google Plus is being used and how it is changing the Internet. 1100KFNX New-Talk Radio, simulcast on the web. Please join us!

Three aspects of the public safety IT market all vendors should know

Deltek Sr. Analyst Jeff Webster reports. With public safety IT spending estimated to reach $4.6 billion in 2015; state governors outlining $1.3 billion in public safety IT initiatives for FY 2012; and more than 1,130 active public safety opportunities in the Deltek database, vendors hoping to capitalize on this market must act today in orderRead… Read more »

LexisNexis Government E-Learning Classes for October 2011

From the comfort of your desk, you can take advantage of training that is included in your LexisNexis subscription when it’s convenient for you. Register today at Your research possibilities are virtually unlimited with the LexisNexis Government e-Learning Series. Take a live webinar class. View the Upcoming Events Tab to see the webinar scheduleRead… Read more »