Yearly Archives: 2011

News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: The Microeconomics of Green Jobs US Could be a Solar Nation by 2026 10 Communication Strategies to Engage Employees in Sustainability Chevy Invests in Offset Projects to Slash 4.6M Tons of CO2 And you’ll find more headlines at!Read… Read more »

Don’t Go It Alone…You’re Not a Social Media Superstar

One of things you hear over and over is the concern about managing a Twitter account or a Facebook account and how do you deal with the influx of all those questions and comments. In many cases, the fear of not having time to actively respond is so great that it results in scaring agenciesRead… Read more »

Social Media…Incoming!

I read way more than I post. I am always looking to get rid of lower value blogs and for posts that are more in line with my interests. I customarily set up a half dozen new blogs for a new project and over a week whittle out the less valuable ones. I use GoogleRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up – October 14, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Department of Labor Lauches Stats App. The Department of Labor has released a new application for iPhones and Android devices that gives users the most-up-to-date information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the Employment and Training Administration (ETA). App Helps Government Deploy Labor. Jason Hibbets interviews SeeClickFix CEO Ben Berkowitz aboutRead… Read more »

Myki cards to stay despite security flaws

Australia’s Victoria government plans to keep the myki smart card in circulation after security flaws were found, despite widespread media reports saying that more than one million cards would be phased out. In a statement on the myki website, Transport Ticketing Authority (VIC) CEO Bernie Carolan assured cardholders that no personal information in stored onRead… Read more »

Texting donations in CA update and other political law links

CA APPROVES TEXT DONATIONS. Politico. “California became the first state Thursday to allow people to make political campaign contributions via text messages.” The FPPC staff memo is here. The proposed regulation is here. GETTING SUPER PAC ADS ON THE AIR (AND KEEPING THEM THERE). Here’s an interesting legal memo from Michael Berg for interested partiesRead… Read more »

Service Management System (ITIL) using SharePoint

Spent last night working on designing the next components to ITIL solution using SharePoint my team has fielded as a Federal Department. The first module tracked service requests from a catalog of service. These services are higher level than the MOF services than the Microsoft System Center tracks and reports. I had previously passed alongRead… Read more »

Service Management System (ITIL) using SharePoint

Spent last night working on designing the next components to ITIL solution using SharePoint my team has fielded as a Federal Department. The first module tracked service requests from a catalog of service. These services are higher level than the MOF services than the Microsoft System Center tracks and reports. I had previously passed alongRead… Read more »

Risk Happens

Guest post by Mike Clayton Why Every Project Manager needs to Understand Risk Project management is a discipline born from necessity. If projects were not so challenging, we wouldn’t need a separate toolkit and processes. But we do need them, because when we try to create change under constraints like schedule, performance and budget, weRead… Read more »