Yearly Archives: 2011

A New Strategy for Cyber Challenges. How Will Things Change?

With new OMB directives to change the way the federal government deals with cyber security, many leaders are being challenged to manage risks and function in fundamentally different ways. What are the challenges that exist and that will exist in the future? How can new approaches help aid risk management of cyber security? How farRead… Read more »

Private companies and states provide competition to state-run health insurance exchanges

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. Despite broad opposition to the federal health reform law by many states and lawmakers, many state and privately-run health insurance exchanges are popping up across the U.S. One of the most controversial cases is found in Florida. The state will soon launch Florida Health Choices, an exchange for small businessesRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: Jacqueline Berrien on Leading the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Jacqueline A. Berrien has been the chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) since April 2010. A Harvard Law School graduate, Berrien practiced civil rights law for many years, assisted underrepresented groups as a program officer for the Ford Foundation, and came to the EEOC from the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund,Read… Read more »

Is Your Office Getting a Bit…Cozier?

Office space isn’t what it used to be – many offices and most government agencies are tearing down the walls – literally – and placing workers in increasingly small, and less private, cube space. Is this the trend in your office? Do smaller offices make it easier to collaborate, or just make you more annoyedRead… Read more »

What are the Best Cities for Public Transit?

Discovery’s has put together a list of the Top 10 cities in the U.S. for public transportation. While there were at least two notable absences from the list – Washington, D.C. and San Francisco – the cities that made the top 10 nevertheless stand out for their commitment to public transit. While no twoRead… Read more »

Topeka, KS decriminalizes domestic violence

Last night, the Topeka, Kansas city council took an extraordinary step to manage budget cuts — decriminalizing domestic violence. The move was spurred by a lack of prosecutorial budgets at all levels of the city and county court system, a problem which came to its tipping point last night. In Topeka, domestic violence is mostRead… Read more »

GovExpert: James Donelson, former Chief Operations Officer for the Internal Revenue Service

GovExpert is a biweekly interview of high-level authorities on government and government practices. This week’s GovExpert is James Donelson. Mr. Donelson is a former Chief Operations Officer for the US Internal Revenue Service. As an operations officer what made your job the most difficult? The major challenge for me as IRS Chief Operations Officer wasRead… Read more »

Do you need additional plain language training? Join Web Manager University for these free events!

Join us for these upcoming WMU classes in October. Oct 18 (1:00pm – 4:00pm ET) Plain Language Basics Join us in this half day seminar where we’ll discuss the Plain Writing Act of 2010, plain language principles, plain language techniques, and give you an opportunity to apply learned plain language techniques in class! Fee: freeRead… Read more »