Yearly Archives: 2011

Cell phones outnumber people in U.S.

According to a survey conducted by the wireless trade association CTIA, the United States now has more cell phones than people. The number of wireless subscriber connections (327.6 million) has surpassed the population (315.5 million) in the United States and its territories, putting the wireless penetration rate at 103.9%. The survey also showed a 111%Read… Read more »

Supervisory No-Nos

Exert from So Now You Are The Boss! Supervisory No-Nos Unforgivable and Sometimes Unlawful Behaviors by Supervisors 1. Treating individuals unequally because of gender, culture, age, educational, religious background, etc. 2. Not keeping a trust with an employee 3. Blowing hot and cold 4. Failure to follow basic policies and procedures and laws 5. LosingRead… Read more »

A very British election

Just a quick post to flag a little site launched last month for a modest and little-known public figure, reported to be the first Briton to give £1bn to charitable causes, and the third longest-serving minister of the New Labour years. Lord Sainsbury of Turville was nominated earlier this year to succeed Prince Phillip asRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 49

Day 49 APWA Tour of Concrete Products Plant Today we had an APWA luncheon meeting. And after the meeting we toured Welch Brothers – a concrete product manufacturer located in St. Charles, Ill. I knew this would be an outstanding tour because many years ago when I was in college at Iowa State, they tookRead… Read more »

Alabama Employers: How does the latest legislation impact your Affirmative Action and OFCCP requirements?

Alabama Employers: How does the latest legislation impact your Affirmative Action and OFCCP requirements? Attend a regional seminar led by National and Regional experts regarding the often challenging and confusing AA / EEO / OFCCP requirements. Participants will receive 3 hours of CE credit for your PHR or SPHR certification Wednesday, November 2, 2011 1:00Read… Read more »

Disruptive networking

I think there always were disruptive networks. In the same way that tech has enhanced so many things, proliferated and amplified them, networks are the same. The difference is perhaps the organisations the networks are in – because I am of course speaking for the public sector here. 4,000 people struggle to keep in touch.Read… Read more »

New Facebook Page Insights Available Now

Facebook Page Insights are now available to page owners. This is a significant improvement from the previous insights capability with lots of opportunity to dive into more granular data, learn more about what your audience wants, host better conversations, and reach more fans. Here’s a fantastic guide for users just getting started. The guide coversRead… Read more »

Branstad works toward increased transparency

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad is working to increase the transparency of his office with a new website. The website will allow visitors to track open records requests made to his office. Branstad has come up against criticism in the past for a lack of transparency in his administration and has slowly been working to correctRead… Read more »

GovBytes: RFID and recycling. Who could ‘refuse’?

Okay, bad puns aside… This is pretty awesome! Dayton, Ohio, is combining RFID technology with recycling in an attempt to bolster recycling efforts and reduce the amount of money the city expends on garbage at the landfill.The city has seen an increase in recycling participation by 40 percent, according to an article over at GovernmentRead… Read more »