AFGE Members Rally for Job Protection to Save Social Security
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Filed under: Uncategorized Original post
With the announcement that Sydney would be naming its new farecard Opal (breaking with marine tradition), The City Fix offered seven suggestions for better integrating CityRail (NSW) with Sydney Buses, Sydney Ferries, and Light Rail. Suggestions include offering discounts for round-trip fares, a flat fare structure, and a 24-hour window for ticket validity. Somewhat surprisingRead… Read more »
Gadi Ben-Yehuda Good-bye, Steve Jobs. His products are in the pockets and on the desks of countless Americans, both within and beyond the government. When he died, his customers, colleagues, competitors, compatriots, and admirers from across the globe poured out their hearts in a torrent of tweets. One artist captured them in this visualization. PlanningRead… Read more »
In 1976 as a response to the Watergate scandal Nevada implemented a process allowing voters to cast a vote for “none of these candidates” in every statewide election for federal or state offices. The protest vote which is not binding has been the top vote getter in four primary elections. In instances where “none ofRead… Read more »
For those who don’t know: Today – October 7th – is Ada Lovelace Day. It’s a day where you “share your story about a woman — whether an engineer, a scientist, a technologist or mathematician — who has inspired you to become who you are today.” It would be remiss for me not to blogRead… Read more »
Hoping to join the list of public agencies that have benefited from the open data movement, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority is cosponsoring a hackathon on October 8-9. The idea is to spur the creation of new applications that use SEPTA’s real-time data to benefit the riding public. As a recent hackathon in San FranciscoRead… Read more »
TriMet (OR) quietly unveiled the public beta for its new open-source multimodal trip planner this week, with the official launch scheduled for October 15. Developed in partnership with OpenPlans, the application will let users plan trips that combine transit, walking, and biking. For trips with a bicycle component, travelers can ask for the fastest itineraryRead… Read more »
Whenever I speak about failure I try to re-position it as a competitive advantage: What kind of organization would you rather work for? One that tries, fails, learns and tries again? Or one that never tries, never fails, never learns? I ask the question because I think that these two organizations are on two radicallyRead… Read more »
The Birmingham Civic Dashboard is a neat project from the City Council that reports the requests made for services from the organisation and visualises them in interesting ways, such as by plotting them on a map. It was funded by NESTA as part of the Make It Local programme, which also produced such excellence asRead… Read more »