Yearly Archives: 2011

Muni app emerges from hackathon

While San Francisco’s Information and Communication Technology Plan offers a five-year vision for embracing technologies like crowdsourcing and location-aware applications, a team of developers designed the SMART Muni app in a weekend. The iPhone app shows the location of San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (CA) buses and allows workers to spot and fix system problems.Read… Read more »

Nominations Solicited for the 2011 Government Big Data Solutions Award

The missions and data of governments make the government sector one of particular importance for Big Data solutions. The government has special abilities to focus research in areas like Health Sciences, Economics, Law Enforcement, Defense, Geographic Studies, Environmental Studies, Bioinformatics, and Computer Security. Government-Industry teams are working to field Big Data solutions in all theseRead… Read more »

Farewell Steve Jobs

At this time , millions of tributes, obituaries and status updates are flooding the internet in remembrance of a true visionary. I did not know Steve Jobs personally, but I did follow his endeavors quite closely throughout the last decade. I’d like to post up this speech from his 2005 Standford University Commencement Address ,Read… Read more »

A Flurry of Innovation: An Update on Free Law

My new post, entitled A Flurry of Innovation: An Update on Free Law, has been published at, Canada’s online legal magazine. The post — which highlights work by several members of our community — summarizes recent developments in free access to law, open legal government data, eParticipation, and legislative information systems, as well asRead… Read more »

Steve Jobs 1955-2011: The most famous maestro of the micro.

When TIME named the computer as the 1982 ”Machine of the Year”, it published a long profile of Steve Jobs as “the most famous maestro of the micro.” Ha! Great turn of the phrase, and that was long before he really moved out in pushing the envelope in micro electronics, consumer technology and human-focused design.Read… Read more »

HuffPo Game Changer: Jennifer Pahlka

The Huffington Post’s Game Changers series “celebrates 100 innovators, visionaries, and leaders” who “are changing how we look at the world and the way we live in it.” We were honored today to find out that our own Jennifer Pahlka, CfA’s founder and executive director, was selected as a 2011 Game Changer in the BusinessRead… Read more »